Finally Here

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I woke up to the sound of a baby crying somewhere in the back of
the plane. 'Wow i must have fallen asleep. I wonder how long I

was out' I thought. It was kinda weird to look out the window and
just see darkens, then looking back to see so many people on the

plain still awake. I looked at the girl next to me to see her fallen

asleep. Her laptop is still running like she fell asleep when she

was working. I thought it would be nice if I closed it for her so I

reached over and grabed the top of it. Some wierd app was pulled
up called wattpad. It looked like she was reading a book or

something. There was a chapter pulled up called 'Finally Here'.

Weird. I decided that I was going to try to go back to sleep, if I

could however with that screaming baby.

When I woke up it was day and the pilot was telling us to have a

nice stay and to fly on this plain again bla bla bla. I got up from

my seet and grabbed my things from the storage cabinet and

walked off the plain into the airport. 'I can't believe I am actually

in America!' I thought to myself. My stomach started growling

and Irealized that I have not eaten in a day. Or..maybe a few

hours..I have no clue anymore. I feel very jet laged and a little

sick butI don't care. I walk over to a vending machine and get a

pack of candy. I eat and then I see a boy, no older than 17

walking towards me. I get nervous because this is oveously an

American."Uh hi." I say when I notice that my voice is really

shaking. "Hey"he says as he walks past me to the vending

machine behind me.'Thank God he did not want to start a

conversation with me. I think I would have passed out.' I feelt

really dumb for thinking he wanted to talk to me but for some

reason, I really wanted to meet him.

Hia! Who is this strange man?! Could it be ssundee?! Will there be a new p.o.v. next chapter?! Am I giving away too many spoilers?! Ya..probably. see you guys later! ♥♥♥
-Maddie aka turtlelover528

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