Chapter 1

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Aria POV

"Mom! Aria's hogging the bathroom!!" My annoying little brother Cameron whined.
I rolled my eyes, examining my outfit one last time. Today I chose to wear my Blink 182 top, black skinny jeans, and my signature hightop black converse.
I heard my mom giving Cameron her 'girls need extra time in the bathroom' speech, making me grin. Little pest.
I opened the door to Cameron zooming past me and shutting the bathroom door faster than you could say 'Pest'.
I grabbed my skateboard.
"Where do you think your going?" My dad said blocking the door. He gestured over to the plate of breakfast.
"I'm... Not hungry." My dad had recently been experimenting with food and my stomach has had enough.
"But breakfast is the most important meal of the day." He pleaded.
"I'll eat later, I just want to ride around the neighborhood one last time."
"Aria, your acting like we are moving. We are just going on a cruise for the summer."
I grumbled and ran out. I hate boats.
Plus my friends and I were planing on taking a road trip outta this dumb town. But no, my family insisted that we 'have quality time together as a family'.
With anger fueling me I road as fast as my board could take me, just wanting to get away. From everyone, my parents, Pest boy.
I pasted house by house, all the same cookie cutter exterior.
My thoughts blinding me, I was flying through the air in a matter of seconds. I heard a loud groan and cringed when I hit the concrete.
My eyes met with the person I collided with, him also on the ground. Placing his face I frowned. It was my arch enemy, Charlie.
"Oh. It's you." I said disgusted.
He glared at me. "Why don't you watch were your going wannabe skater. You could've hurt me!"
I scoffed. "Everyone knows your the wannabe. I could out skate you any day!"
"Yeah right. Like a girl could out skate me." He smirked, knowing that would get to me.
That's it! I punched him strait in the jaw, grabbed my skate board, and rode off. I could hear him groaning in pain knowing it was my turn to smirk.
If there's one thing I can look forward to this summer, it's getting away from that jerk.

Hi. Please don't judge it's my first book. Sorry it's super short too. And HAVE YOU LISTENED TO DRAG ME DOWN BY 1D CUZ ITS LIFE. :) K Byebye.

Skater GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora