Chapter One

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"And I won't let this build up inside of me" I sang along with Corey Taylor as his beautiful voice blared though the stereo in my bedroom while I laid on my bed, staring up at the red ceiling. Slipknot was one of my many all time favourites. Vermillion Pt 2 was a great song that I absolutely and utterly loved.

My big brother Andrew walked in a my bedroom caring three bags of junk food for us to eat while we're stoned. "Beautiful singing and by that I mean you sounded like shit." He said as he stood in the doorway to my room.

"Shut the fucking door you asshole." I joked back as I had my hand up to cover my eyes from the bright light coming through the opened door. I sometimes remind myself of a vampire. I hate the sun so I'm mostly hidden in my bedroom with my window covered.

"Or less you'll burn up. Yeah, yeah I remember." He said in an annoyed tone as he shut the door then threw the munchies at my face.

"What the fuck Andrew?" I exclaimed angrily which just made him smirk.

Instead of giving me an explanation he turned the music off then put on a movie. I was about to start yelling at him till I noticed what movie was on. The Nightmare Before Christmas started playing and a huge smile broke across my face. I still remember watching this movie before I could properly walk and I watched it with the same look of awe as I do now. Some things never change.

"Even though you're sixteen you still love this movie." He said while shaking his head at me then gave one of his Andrew chuckles.

"What can I say? It was and will always be an amazing movie." I said while I threw a chip at him which he ate, earning a laugh from me. "Now, shut the fuck up and let me watch this damn movie in peace."

"A simple please be quiet would've worked." He mumbled under his breath but I simply just ignored him.

We were about almost half way though the movie and Andrew had demolished one bag of chips so far and moved onto the next when someone knocked loudly on the front door. There's no way I would stop watching this movie just to open the door for whoever it was knocking and Andrew could see that so he got up to open the door with a sigh. I bet that whoever it was at the door was most likely here to see Andrew. He has the most friends between the two of us but he once told me that he's not that close with them. There's just people to party with.

Andrew is a big partier, whenever he went to a party he was bound to pass out in the grass with nothing but a pair of jeans. My other brother, Mathew also liked to party, things always got out of control with them. Fights have been made between them but rarely and I'm glad for that because they're not tiny guys and they both can throw a good punch. By the time I was five I already knew how to fight.

I was been suspended from school because of fighting so many that I lost count awhile ago and it's something I'm not proud of. Just so you know, I have never bullied anyone. All of those fights were just me defending myself but that didn't stop them from suspending me and not the ones who pushed and started the fight in the first place, they never believe me.

The only people were truly believe me are my dearest brothers. We are the only family we have left and awhile ago we learned to cherish what we have before it's taken away. Or if they run away, two years ago my parents ran off without saying even a goodbye or that they love us. It was rare for them to express their love for us if they even did love us at all. I guess that's why we have a hard time telling others we love them. I still remember crying so hard my stomach hurt after I realized they were gone, Andrew held me upright because I couldn't even stand on my own. I knew that he was also hurting but he stayed strong for me.

As the movie was about to end I heard Mathew calling my name from outside. He must of walked home from Clarissa's house, he had slept there last night. Clarissa is Matthew's girlfriend and completely adores her. I honestly love Clarissa, she's a cool ass chick and I'm really glad they're together.

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