Predator & Prey

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The Underworld.

It was a complex society hidden behind the normal everyday happenings in random offices, parks, schools and even small establishments like bakeries, butcher shops or stores. A world unseen but always present. A world that had remained constant and unchanged in the centuries since it's creation.

No one knew who first put up their territory and by extension who had started the land grabbing wars, but what everyone knew was that if you put up a business within a ruling family's territory, you must pay to keep your business protected; if you did not wish to pay then your business will most likely only last a few weeks. No family gives anything for free, especially a space in their land where they could earn money or use it for otherwise unsightly activities.

Ruling families are found in every continent, in every country, and in every city. Only the strongest and most brutal will have the biggest plot of territory and it wasn't rare for large families to go into war for a particular plot of land especially if the commercial potential was high. These wars weren't waged with guns or swords though. It wasn't one you would read in any history book or learn about in school either. These clan wars were fought with brute strength, numbers, strategy and teeth; fangs to be exact.

Bloody, messy, but always discreet. The wars we waged would last decades until one family is completely wiped out or would escape. The first happening more often than the latter since no immortal wanted be remembered as a coward or a loser. Murders between immortal families were the norm in the Underworld, reported in the mortal news as massacres or something identical to that.

Basing from strength, money and numbers there were only four families that was worth mentioning. One such family was mine, the Tanchingco family.

Originating from London, our creator chose only the smartest, young men and women to turn into vampires. They did not need to have any history of violence, the transition and hunger will give that to them, they only needed to be obedient.

Turning hordes of people served two purposes, as a quick rising army to take over surrounding territories and as a buffer to keep the more experienced members alive since we were disposable when young.

Because of the blood-lust that takes over when we transition, it was easy for newly created vampires to be set free on a pack of older, more experienced vampires. Their experience outweighed ours, but the sheer number of angry, thirsty, young and powerful vampires overwhelmed them. Those of my family that survived, including our creator, slowly began to use that strategy to take over territory after territory. We would take young men and women from the countrysides, the cities, and even the streets, send them to another place so no one knew or noticed them, then set them free on the enemy. We continued this for several centuries, gaining my family several undisputed territories all over the word.

The strategy was simple but it wasn't as discreet as it had once been. When portable cameras were invented, we had to lessen our activities because more and more people reported seeing dead relatives in other countries. Several people tried to prove the existence of my kind but one group operated as discreetly as we did, Los Limpiadores del Mal.

The Cleansers of Evil.

We simply call them pests, or Cleansers.

They were basically a pack of humans who had the knowledge of the Underworld and are blindly trying to fight or extinguish us, rejecting the painful truth that they never could. Some members were people whose loved ones were murdered or turned, while others just loved the thrill of the knowing our existence and see their life goal as trying to destroy the Underworld.

Before I was turned, I used to be the daughter of a very rich Englishman, raised on values that were of my time; be prim and proper at all times, do not kill or hurt other people and to always follow my elders. The Creator found me bloodied on the street and took mercy on my broken body, turning me into a vampire to exact revenge on the people that had hurt me.

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