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No.. no No!

Why here? Why now? And why this little girl?

Things have gotten out of hand... i need help.


My name is Nora Clayton, though you may refer to me as the darkness slayer, some call me Nora Slayer.

This is my journal of journeys, most people dont have a clue whats going on around them in the world.

Truth be told? Nor did i, until a few years ago when i awoke. Or was chosen as i would put it.

I dont know much about what's going on but what i do know is that there is a war ensuing between the Darkness and the Light, and only the seven chosen or  seven Wake as the elder Wakes put it can stop it.

Some of you may just decide to discard this but that is your choice, for those of you with an open mind, free it to the things you are about to learn about your own mother earth, there is a lot you dont know and there is a lot that has been kept from you for too long.

Let me tell you what i know.

The Darkness is powerful, before i woke i used to call it Mother Nature, how naive i was.

What people would refer to as Natural Disasters was actually the Darkness hand at work.

I can sort of feel them.  you know the way you just feel when something is wrong, i can tell when these things are about to happen, but i can't stop it.

Not on my own.

Everything that is written, everything that i write is real. This is a story of truth and i share this with you because... well i'll let you decide why i shared this with you but i'll let you know when this is all over.

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