
A cold snowy day in Brighton, white layers of snow lay across the pier, the beach, on roofs of houses, everywhere. I must admit, I don't mind a few snowy Christmas-like days in Brighton, but sometimes I just want to sit on the beach staring at the sunset with the foamy cold waves bouncing over my feet.

I stand in front of my mirror in my pyjamas, getting ready for the day. Slowly I pulled a white shirt on with the three monkey emojis on it, some disco pants and a beanie. This was mostly what I wore nowadays in this weather, I thought it suited me.

Grabbing my hair brush, I began to tackle the tangles in my ombré hair. Most people say they would love my hair, but to be honest, I just wish it was shorter. It takes ages to dry, untangle and style, I don't even know why I bother.

I pulled my black beanie on, put on two layers of socks, then my chestnut Ugg boots. I walked downstairs; grabbed my duffle coat and pulled it on me, picked up my handbag then set off out the house.

Sighing, I climb in my car as I see the misted glass, ice had started to form in the corners of the front window. I turned on my heaters, then began to drive. I drove to the mall, parking my car in the car park. I get out the car and shiver as the snowy breeze hit me.

A boy walked up to me, he was wearing a black beanie, a white shirt and jeans. He looked cold. He smiled at me, and waved. I did the same back then grabbed my bag.

"You're insanely gorgeous, you look like a girl from Tumblr." He said, stopping me. I looked at him raising my eyebrow.

"I'm from here, but thanks?" I say awkwardly.

"But seriously though, you're beautiful."

I cocked my head and realised a blush forming on my face, I slapped my head, then simply replied 'Thank you.' With a really cringy smile and I started to walk off.

After a few seconds he ran up to me and tapped my shoulder, holding out a piece of paper.

"Call me." He said, his teeth chattering as he walked off in the thick snow. I unfolded the piece of crumpled paper with a few numbers scribbled over it. I folded it up neatly, and placed it in my pocket, then headed for the shops. Thinking about this so-called 'Tumblr' place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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