1: Reveries

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It must be a heavenly feeling, running my fingers through that dark brown hair, I thought. Wouldn't want to ruin his hairstyle though,I smirked a little. And, God! I wouldn't mind waking up to those bright, green eyes every morning.
"10 minutes left," shouted Ms. Windsor.
SHIT! What the hell was I doing? I still have 2 questions left, I panicked. I always finish my tests 5 minutes before the bell so I can recheck; this has to be a first. I had actually accidentally looked sideways while searching for the right word to write, when my eyes saw what probably was the only thing that could distract a nerd like me from a test. Him.
Concentrate, Sarah, I scolded myself.
Despite all the panic, I managed to wrap up my test within 5 minutes and handed it over without rechecking. As I grabbed my bag from my chair and started walking out, I thought, what is happening to me? I've never been this type of a girl. I worked day & night to get a scholarship; I left my country, my home, my family and came here to study, not to do what I'm doing! Besides, it's not like he'll fall for me, he probably doesn't even know I exist.
Thankfully, Maggie joined me and saved me from my guilt. Maggie, or Maral,was my best-friend. She, like me, was a Muslim but her lifestyle was radically different from mine- or a typical Muslim's. She had been living in Ohio for her entire life and she fit in really well. Anyone who met her naturally assumed she was a Native American and probably a Christian.
"Yo," she said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I raised my eyebrows at her. Maggie had always been... what should I say...Royal? Her father was an important business man of the state, Maggie was unimaginably rich, super-classy and a typical girl. She never used slang words, was always dressed up properly, and mingled only with the kids from the 'good' families (or so her parents believed). Sometimes her reputation and status became a little difficult to live with, but despite all that,surprisingly, she was sweet and more importantly, humble, except of course in front of me.
Maggie smirked at me. 
"Maggie, what is up with you?"
"What?" She giggled.
"Wha- Oh! How is he?" By "he," I meant Maggie's recent friend-slash-boyfriend, Bob. Bob was insanely handsome but also a little insane. He loved adventures, stunts, beer, parties and Maggie. They both were still in high school but Bob, I believed, was perfect for Maggie.They had been together-ish for 2 weeks now but I was waiting for the wedding invite already because Bob was exactly the kind of boy Maggie always said she was looking for and the exact opposite of the kind I was looking for. Wait, was I looking for a boy?!
"He's good," she smiled. Her smile was a little shy, but she seemed really happy.
Wow, I thought, how lucky. I, due to some past experiences, generally did not trust people. It sometimes became unbearable, the loneliness. Yet I knew I couldn't be in a relationship, as my religion did not allow me, and I happily agreed.Honestly, in such circumstances, life as a teenage Muslim alone in the U. S. was pretty difficult.
We both sat on our usual place in the cafeteria. Unintentionally, my eyes began searching for him.
"So what's up with you?" Maggie asked, looking at me.
"Nothing," I shrugged.
"Ahan," she said raising her eyebrows.
"Shut up, rags," I said making fun of the nickname Bob had given her: Mags.
"Right," she said, a little annoyed at the lack of information or maybe at being called, "rags."
We got up to get ourselves some food.
On our way to fill our trays, Maggi asked, "Are you going to Sam's tonight?"
The thing I loved about Maggie was that she never took arguments seriously or turn them into a fight or rather, a war, like most snobs here did.
"I don't think so-"
"Great! See you there," she cut me off.
"What, are you taking my picture with you tonight?" I asked, smiling a little.
"Ha-ha, nerd. I'm serious."
"Look, I don't drink, I don't... snog, you're my only friend, what am I going to do there?"
"That we'll see. I'm wearing black, by the way."
Maggie loved color coordinating our clothes.
"I can't hear you!" She said getting up, swinging her bag on her shoulder. "See you tonight, hun!" She said before walking out of the cafeteria to her class with her half-eaten apple still in her hand.

A/N: It's a bit short, but it's just an introduction. Next chapter will hopefully be a little longer, depending on the response. It's my first story so feedback will be appreciated. Thanks!

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