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Arthur gaped at his friend, his mouth almost hitting his chin and roared; "No! Merlin are you insane? No, no, no! We are not going to-" "Alright then. If that's the only way then I say we better get on with it." ,Guinevere interrupted her husband who promptly rounded on her, still yelling. "What??? Gwen no. This is madness you can't kill yourself! Not even to kill the beast. I won't let it happen.", he turned back to Merlin, "What if it doesn't work? What then Merlin? What if something goes wrong and you can't bring her back?" Merlin watched in silence as his friend ranted on and on until finally he seem to have run out of words and ended up staring at his servant, his face livid. "You said you trusted me Arthur. You told me you trusted me with your life." "Yes I do Merlin but with my life, not Guineveres! Merlin look-" Again the King was interrupted by his wife; "Arthur listen to me, calm down! This is our only chance. You heard what Gaius said! I'm going to die anyway and what then? Then, Arthur, the beast will be released again. It will find itself a new vessel, someone else to inhabit, and it would never end. We must try Arthur. It's the only way." She looked at her husband with her big, brown eyes wide open and he knew she was right. It was the only way. Looking from Gwen to Merlin, Arthur sucked in a deep breath and nodded. "Thank you Arthur. Gwen will be alright, I promise", Merlin assured his friend, his voice low. Gwen put a hand on Arthurs broad shoulder and broke the silence; "Alright then. We need a poison that will kill me. Merlin any ideas?" After thinking for a few seconds, Merlin raced over to one of the many shelves piled high with herbs and flasks and grabbed a small bottle containing a dark liquid and brought it over to his friends. "Cyanide.", he stated, placing the small bottle on the table. "Deadly and painless. If you drink a few drops of this you'll be dead within the next couple of seconds." He raised his head and looked at Gwen and Arthur with a grave expression on his pale face. "That looks like it should do the trick.", Gwen announced, gulping. Nodding, Merlin turned to face Arthur. "I still think this is a bad idea.", was all the King said. Taking this as a sign of approval, Merlin asked; "Right so umm when and where should Gwen... you know... drink it." "What about right here right now?", came Gwen's reply. Merlin glanced at Arthur expecting another outburst, but none came. The young Pendragon was staring at the floor in silence. "Are you ready Merlin?", the Queen prompted. Merlin closed his blue eyes and took a deep breath, gathering all his strength."Yes I, I think so." "Well then. I'll see you on the other side boys." And with those words, Gwen picked up the little bottle, and lifted it to her lips.

A/N: Again sorry for the short chapter :/ I'll try an update again as soon as possible.

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