Why am I....

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"What the actual heck am I doing" I said to myself as I started the download for Wattpad. Honestly, what am I doing, I can't write. I don't have the best experience writing. Heck, my girlfriend will correct me when I text her. "Your" and "You're" will be the bane of my existence.

I downloaded this application because a friend recommended it to me. "It be fun" she said and me being me I just said "Okay, I'll give it a shot". Why do I do that? It will always confuse me why I agree to most things. "YO, BRO YOU WANNA GET HIGHHHHH!!!" Is what I imagine my friends will ask me one day. Which I will politely tell them to screw off. Trying to watch my french. Key word, "Trying".

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