The hours have passed and gone forever , each minute that passes will be with no return , time is a funny thing ... one day we're all about killing it and other days we're all about begging for it ... it was ticking forever away ,taking the hearts , tears and what's left of sanity inside the people's minds , some had given up the borders and went back to their houses to spend their last hours , while others faught back for the sake of their freedom with all that is left of their bodies and pride , turning themselves into a project of either freedom or martyr ,and try to take any of the lives that once deprived them theirs . And nobody knows when , where and how
It was already chaos , there were no rules to be followed , no regulations ,no forced peace agreements that once served only their side , what's only left is anger , revenge and one united goal for every man ,child and woman , and nothing else matter.
For a life time of displacing , killing , destroying and practicing all means of torture and a life time of masecurs and dishonesty in front of all eyes of the world who sat still while another part even applause , maybe it's time to turn the tables and see how the world reacts , and that's when there won't be any masks left .
They were all fighting back with all they've got after years of misery and acceptace of the oppression, as if they all rises from death they were in , as if today... was the first day they lived in years .
Seems like Klaus's threat have united the people back together and united their goal and their vision again and woke their spirits and revived their awareness to what have been happening for the last many years ..
Seems like Klaus awakened a revolution , awakened the sleeping to finally restore what's rightfully theirs .
Strange ... it's just when you have nothing to lose you become more thirst for what was taken from you .
Even though the battle was extremely unfair , that didn't stop them from breaking off , certainty of death meant to at least for a reason , for the cause .
It was with no doubt or hesitation for the occupier the bring the worst of it's weapons as usual , but nowadays blood tastes like water , and even THEY don't care anymore .
All have fought , most have failed , some were killed hideously and still everyone was completely devoted to the cause , what a great power ! , pain is ...
Only two hours left ... and the occupier is still winning easily in front of the fragile bodies of the natives
Everyone sensed how near death was , and how far victory is , so they retreaded some bleeding some dying..
They all gathered in the central square ahead of the borders about 20 kilometers away , about all five million gathered from everywhere ...
20 minutes left ... it's so near everything fell silent . Only one ... one of the natives started humming the national anthem , slowly others have joined , those who were wounded stood up and sang as well ... it ended up with the whole flock singing at once , resting their hands above their hearts and looking at the flag that rise above all at the center .
Roy .. can hear them as well as the others .. they also stood with respect ready to die standing still .
10 minutes ... little Jake and Annie were afraid but unshaken , they stood with pride and hope sparkling in their eyes .
Roy noticed that the book of dreams was inside Ed's back pack on the floor , he took it out and flipped through it's pages one last time , he was perplexed more of shocked to see a paper in it that he missed to see earlier , it was folded into a triangle , the way they used to separate chapters in their notebooks back in school, it was more surprising that the triangle was marked with red at the edges , the same triangle that flashed at the end of his dreams lately .He unfolded it to see a sloppy word he didn't understand at the beginning but he turned it upside down to realize that the word written was "HELP"
The dream maker
Paranormaldear readers , this story talks about a man who is curiously following his dreams , no matter of what it costs , so after losing so many things in his jeourney in the name of this cause , he found hemself greatly rewarded by a great power that coul...