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During English class we were asked to make an epic, and I together with my partner, decided to write it in here.


Sehun gave out a satisfying sigh,
As he dove into the deep and dark sea. Not knowing about the dangers deep within. A demon gazed at him hungrily,hoping Sehun would be his next meal.

The demon swam over to him and grabbed his foot. Sehun was shocked and was lead to his doom. His birthmark and body started to glow, His body started to change and so did his soul.

The demon wad taken a back by the sudden change, and swam back to his lair and stayed.Sehun opened his now green eyes and swam back to his homeland.

On his way to his beloved home, he encountered a homeless old woman. She asked for some water and Sehun gave her some.

Thanks to his kind-hearted nature, he was rewarded with an ancient sword. The mysterious old woman gave him a warning. "Use this sword fot good, and it will reward you, use this for sword for evil and it will cause you harm."

Sehun gazed ay his sword with wonder. "What will it do?" He pondered. He turned to the old woman for answers but the old woman was never found.

He ran back to his house and grabbed a mirror he was shocked by his image there. For he have a rainbow hair that he is neatly arranged, and sparkling green eyes that gleamed with confusion and curiosity.

Suddenly, a terrified scream echoed through his house and through the forest where in
He found that shocked him through the core.

A woman with black eyes opened wide with shock. Her stomach ripped open and organs missing. And as his eyes turned to the right, he took out his sword and prepared for a fight.

An aswang came out and hisses dangerously,about to strike him. Sehun lunged to the dangerous creature, sword in hand. He plunged his sword to the head of the carnivorous and ugly creature, and ended its life.

Later, he continued his journey to his friend's house and he came by a river with the reflection of thr beautiful full moon. As he sat down near it, he heard a man's cry. Curious and alarmed he followed it.

He went under the bush and saw a man that looks like royalty with brown hair and doe eyes, Tied up to a tree, Unconcious. With seven little dwarves danced around him.

Sehun stepped on a twig. Crack!. The dwarf turned to sehun with a dangerous and vile glare and started to merge into one,big giant.

Sehun pulled out his sworf and with the help of his magical energy, started to glow. Luhan; the man started.to.wake up and saw the tension and battle, he noticed the rope around him and easily cut out and broke free.

Sehun lunged at the giant but the giant dodged and shot a blast of black magic, expecting this, sehun dodged and prepared himself for another attack.

Luhan ran over to Sehun and asked if they could work together and Sehun agreed so, Sehun took his battle stance and Luhan took out his golden bow and diamond arrow and aimed.

Letting out a battle cry and readid his sword, he ran and jumped to the heart of the giant, together with Luhan who shot his arrow and finally, the giant not expecting this,let out a cry of pain and stumbled then fell.

After the deadly fight between the giant and the dou, Sehun and Luhan burned the body and out came a mysterious black smoke that disappeared into the sky.

Sehun was rewarded with gold and a title of Hero of the Enchanted Kingdom. And Luhan decided to be Sehun's companion for life and of courdr Sehun agreed. And together they Fought evil and went to many adventures.

ENCHANTED [EXO HUNHAN FANFIC](boy x boy)Where stories live. Discover now