Where's Jenny? Part 1

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This is the first time travel story I have written. I'm going to turn it into a series, but I have been writing out of sequence. I hope you enjoy. This story is about 30,000 words and came out much longer that I intended.

 This story is about 30,000 words and came out much longer that I intended

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A scream came out, as Cree Bowman fell to the ground. It had happened again like it did so many times before. She just hoped that this time they had made it home. She looked up to see that they were in the middle of a meadow filled with green grass.

Her boyfriend, Reese Faigon, came over to help her up. "Are you alright?" he asked her, as she rose to her feet and picked the shards of dead leaves out of her long strawberry blonde hair.

"Yeah, I think so," she said, as she looked around at their surroundings. They were in the mists of trees and assumed that they were in a forest, but as far as she could tell they could have been anywhere. "Do you have any idea where we are?"

"No, not really," he said as he looked around. The trees were high and full of rich green leaves, but he could see a dirt path that led deep into the forest. "Jordon!" Reese called out. "Come on, man, where are you?"

He heard some rustling in some nearby bushes and was relieved when Denny popped up out at them and came over to join his two friends. He could tell it was him because of his dirty blonde hair, and he was several inches taller than Jordon and didn't wear glasses.

"Hey!" he shouted, and Reese looked over at him, happy to see a friendly face. "Where did that idiot send us this time?" he asked, while brushing some dead leaves off of his clothes.

Reese knew that Denny was talking about Jordon and shook his head. "I don't know." It was all he could say. He scratched his head like he was trying to think of what to do.

"Well, Denny," Cree said, walking towards the dirt path. There was a sound of annoyance in her voice. "When we find him, we can ask him." She turned back to the boys for a moment but kept on walking.

"Cree, wait," Reese said, shouting at her. Even though his dark brown hair was short, there were a few leaf fragments sticking out of it. His clothes were also a little dirty and disheveled like the rest of them. Personal appearance took a backseat right then, so once he caught up with her he took hold of her arm, prompting her to stop. "What about Millie and Jenny? We don't even know where they are. Maybe we should just stay here."

"Reese, we're not going to find them standing around here," Cree said, taking his hand. "They're probably with Jordon."

"Yeah, that jerk," Denny snapped out in anger. He was obviously upset. "If Jenny is with him he better be looking out for her."

"Denny, calm down," Cree shouted out, as Denny formed a fist with one of his hands. "There's no use getting upset before we know anything." She tried to sooth his anxiety with her words, but when it came to Jenny Dennis McNally wasn't always the picture of rational thinking.

"No, I won't, Cree," Denny snapped back at her, which made her jump a little. His eyes were flaring with rage, and he was in no mood to listen to her optimistic reasoning. "My girlfriend is out there somewhere and..."

Cree cut him off mid-sentence, finishing the thought but not the way he intended. "We're going to find her if you just calm down." She looked him straight in the eyes telling him to back off just as Reese put his hand on Denny's shoulder. After that he seemed to calm down almost instantly. Reese had a way of mellowing out people with just his mere presence. With his outburst under control, Cree felt it was safe to proceed. "Now, can we go."

Cree and Reese slowly walked into the forest, while Denny reluctantly followed. They didn't know what they would find on the other side, but they did know that they had to find their friends.

 They didn't know what they would find on the other side, but they did know that they had to find their friends

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To Be Continued...

I hope you enjoyed this first part. In the next part you'll get to meet the town seer who everyone thinks is crazy... or is she? Please and vote and comment if you like what you read and see you next time.

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