Gone, Lost, Forgotten

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I wrote this simply because, well... I felt like it. I don't know if this is going to be it or not. I thought I would atleast give it a try. So, if anyone actually reads this, tell me what you think. Thanks!

Gone, Lost, Forgotten

I feel warm. Then I feel a sudden rush of cool pressure. I try to see.


Am I unable to see or can I see and just seeing dark?


I hear a choir of buzzes. Not like the buzz of bees, but human voices. I try to look around again. I see white. To you its not much, but for me its a step. A great step. The buzz of voices sound more organized. I feel more calm. Colors apear in the white. The colors turn to shapes. The shapes to objects.

I am somewhere.

Suddenly, I begin to exist again. I try to look at myself. Nothing. I try again. Still nothing. I try more, but faster. The world seems to spin. I realize I can't see myself. The step I took earlier feels meaningless.

I am nothing. Nothing is what I am, but who am I? Can others see me? I rush into a group of visible people who obviously can see each other. The conversations don't miss a beat. Maybe one of them will hear me. I scream. No reaction. I nor they can see me, however I exist to myself. To the rest, I don't.

I know I should by crying, but I can't seem to feel the emotion. I can only feel one.


I am angry that logic isn't occurring in this confused state I am in. I feel anger being in a world consisting of only myself merged into another where the two can't interact. I only have me to care about me. I am angry that I don't care enough to care about myself. Only if I could figure out who I am. Could I possibly exist fully and know myself fully?

I feel warm. I am in motion.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2013 ⏰

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