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Hi everybody thanks so much for reading! One of you made me really happy the other day telling me that this is actually decent and I was so thrilled!!!

Anyway enjoy the summer, the sun and have some fun... you need to prepare for the autumn coming xxx

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"Stop please, stop"

I don't exactly remember what played out exactly, how we were able to finally stop Harry from hitting Leo mercilessly, what was said and who exactly was involved and how. The only thing I clearly remember is that Leo didn't fight back at all regardless of Harry's forceful hits and challenging words. At some point Mark appeared dragging Harry back, Rose was almost sitting on the ground holding Leo who was bleeding, his lips busted and his brow split. I was speechless as the events rewound in my head and I didn't really know which way I should go. on my right Leo was spread on the floor with rose wiping his blood while his eyes were on me expecting a reaction and on my left was Harry who was pushed back by Mark's and some other guy's powerful arms. He too looked first at me expecting me to run to him and then he looked at Leo in disgust and what I can only call hatred. So I did what I thought was the wisest...I left. I made my way through the crowd and went back to the alley on the wooden bench which somehow was a witness of numerous of the dramas my life entailed.

Breathless and shocked I closed the door silencing the thumping music and I sat on the bench. My fingers were lingering on my lips as I replayed Leo's unexpected kiss. What on earth possessed him to do that knowing that Harry was literally metres away? A death wish on his part, wasn't it? I know he was trying to give the impression to Helena that we were a couple but kissing me was not simply too much for me but obviously for Harry to handle as well.

And Harry? Why on earth would he jeopardize blowing our cover over a stupid ass kiss? I knew from the start that this was the stupidest idea in the history of ideas...but nobody listened to me.


I didn't even notice the door opening and closing. I was in a trance deep in thought.

"What the fuck Harry?" I screamed at him the minute I realized his presence. To say he was shocked by my response is purely an understatement. His hair was in a mess and his top wrinkled ... he was fuming.

"What the fuck do you mean Valerie? He was all over you. This wasn't part of the deal...or did you actually enjoy it ha?" he was over the line now and he knew it.

"Had I enjoyed that I could have it every day you know so don't give me that crap" I answered looking away knowing that my words could hurt him. I couldn't cope with him at that moment. I would not tolerate this violent behaviour from him. Leo was my friend, a friend who was trying to help out, not a very fruitful kind of help but still he was trying...I think...and besides this was Harry's idea, he had recruited Leo into this.

"I swear to fucking God Val, if he touches you again, I won't hold back. I won't care that he is your friend or shit!"

"Or shit? Are you bloody insane? You dragged him in this and now you punch his guts out... seriously?"

"He fucking kissed you when he very well knows that you are mine" he kept screaming.

"OK...I'll sit down here so you can pee all over me and claim me as your own...are you kidding me right now? What is this, 200 BC? Get a fucking grip!!!" for some reason I couldn't hold the cussing anymore, it was as if Rose puked all over me and I became her. Gross I know but still I couldn't hold my tongue.

The state that I'm in. (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now