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*Author's Note*

Hey guys,

Unfortunately "Rapunzel" was permanently deleted from wattpad. So, I'll try to write it again in a few months. It won't be just like the first version but I'll try to gather all my thoughts again and start on it:)

And for "False Hope" I'll update once every week at first. But after the 10th chapter or something the updating speed will accelerate depending on the number of your votes. So if you read "False Hope" and liked it, then there's no reason for you to not vote:)

If you don't understand anything, or feel confused, feel free to comment below or message me privately:)
So, let's get started...


June/ 2015

Adam's POV;

"DAD," I search for my father in all over the house. I've been searching for him for almost thirty minutes by now. I call his name repeatedly but he doesn't seem to be anywhere here. At this moment I can already say that I checked the rooms, bathrooms, the balcony, and the dinning room and he's nowhere to be found.

"The art room". I whisper to myself.

My father's art room is his private kingdom. He had never let anybody there, and I always wonder why.

I entered that room once, when I was five, on the day of my mother's funeral. I knocked on the door for what seems like forever and when he didn't answer, I cracked it open to see my father lying on the floor with blood all over his arm. I screamed for help for almost a straight hour until the neighbors came and took him to the hospital.

"He should be in his art room," I tell myself. "drawing a new picture and listening to that old music in his old music player".

"Dad, your there?" I knock on the door but he doesn't answer.

"Dad?" I call him again with the same result.

"Are you hurt or something? Please answer me " I ask behind the door. I know how childish this question is for an eighteen year old but I am worried enough to ask it

My shaky hands touch the door hand and I lower it to open the door. I close my eyes before I enter to be ready for the whatever scene

"Thank goodness". I scream when I find the room empty. "Thank goodness". I scream again.

Now we are back to the first round. Where the heck would be my father when it's just Six a.m? It's Monday. Oh shit, he's in the greenhouse of course. How didn't I remember that.

I run through the hall and open the house door completely relieved, then rush into the greenhouse to find him holding a plant with one hand and a bag of soil with the other and his sandy hair covered in dirt.

"Thank god". I scream and my dad looks at me in confusion.

"What's... Did you..... What happened?" He says with his deep voice.

"I just thought you were hurt or something". I tell him.

"Why would I be hurt?" He almost laughs at me.

"I was looking for you everywhere, Literally everywhere in the house and I called the neighbors and I....."

"Hey, slow down ". He smile at me and his green eyes glows.

False HopeWhere stories live. Discover now