Chapter 1

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okay you guys, this is my first story so don't judge to much. If you have any comments please let me know what you think. Hope you all like it as much as I have, while writing it. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!--------------------------------It was dark, cold, and I could not move. From out of nowhere lights started flashing on. I looked down I was tied to a chair my hands tied behind me and my feet attached to each leg of the chair. After freaking out and trying to get free. I saw this man come through the door at the corner of the building. We make eye contact and starts to laugh.He begin to talk, but the funny thing is is that I can not hear him. Like he is moving his lips, but nothing is coming out. He is wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and boots. I try to scream but not a sound comes out of my mouth either. He laughs and continues to talk all of a sudden he points to a corner where another person was tied up. He looks up, and it is my dad. This is when I started panicking cause my dad died in a car crash when I was 14. This man keeps talking until someone breaks the door down. Guess who it was Niall Horan that is right Niall freaking Horan. Niall starts talking to the man but eventually Niall runs at the man and they start fighting. Actually all I was really looking at is my dad. How is he here?

Niall knocked the man out and the police showed up while Niall was cutting the ropes off of me. He hugged me then we kissed. I was freaking out on the inside, but some how kept my cool on the outside. He walked me out to the ambulance. The paramedics had check every thing to make sure everything was okay. The even check my head, eyes, body limbs, and even stomach to make sure that everything was okay.

Niall and I were heading to a car when that man came up behind me and held a knife to my neck. Niall was yelling at him but whatever Niall said did not work cause the man took the knife and cut a straight line across my stomach then ran. Police started chasing him and I fell to the ground. Niall ran to me and was screaming at me. All the doctors were running to me , and Niall had his hand on the cut on my stomach to try to stop the bleeding. The doctors finally got there and were pulling Niall back but he resisted. That is the last thing I remember, because after Niall got to me I passed out in his arms.

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