HighSchool Vampire

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(Jesslyn's POV)

I woke up to my alarm clock screeching like crazy so I got up and went downstairs. " Good morning Jesslyn." My dad said. "Would you like some breakfast." My mom said. "I can make it myself." I said opening the fridge. "Jess you can't block us out forever." Mom said getting up. "Watch me." I said going back upstairs.

I took a shower and got ready for school. I put my special sunglasses on before grabbing my bag and going downstairs. I got the keys to my motorcycle and left for school. Once I got to school Kori was waiting for me at the front door. I took my helmet off and shook my hair out before walking over to him.

"See you got your bike back." He said as we walked in the school. "More like took the keys out of my parents room." I said. "Of course you did." He said. "Oh look who it is the red eyed freak." A cheerleader said. "At least my boobs are real." I said opening my locker. "How dare you!" she squeaked. "I speak the truth" I said closing my locker and walking off. "How did I ever get a friend like you?" Kori asked as we walked to 1st period. "When I stool you apple juice in kindergarten." I said.

My first four classes went by fast before it was lunch time. "What are you doing after school" Kori asked as we watched the lunch line get shorter from our table. "Usual nothing" I said. "Want to come over I'm throwing a party with some friends." He said. "Sure have nothing better to do." I said. A girl who looked to be new came over to the table we were sitting at. "Can I sit with you." She asked I could tell she had been crying because her eyes were puffy and red. "Yeah. What's your name?" I said. " Emberline but most people call me Ember." She said.


Hope you like it. Probably gonna update later idky..

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