I was sitting playing with my baby brother who was just born yesterday. I looked at him and asked him "do you no why you were born," He dident answer."iam not supposed to be alive this is a mistake me being born was a mistake,"He replied.
"How can you talk you were born yesterday," I questioned.
"Iam not supposed to be born," He paused and then carried on. "Today,"
"What," I asked .
"Iam from the future iam supposed to be born in the future,"
"What am I in the future," I questioned
"Dead,"He sighed.
"You killed yourself,"My small brother whisperd.
"Why arnt you supposed to be born yesterday," I questioned.
"Xander he is my he want to kill me and he has more powers than me,"
Wait powers?" I quetioned.
"Yup thats what i said,"said my baby brother.