Once a dream and soon a nightmare

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Huge glass cylinders of colour towered over the walk way, streaming into separate pools for each rainbow colour. Multiple Pegasi padded along the metal walkway, smiles slapped on their faces and giggles followed along. "please refrain from touching the Colour-pools!" a cream Pegasus explained, "one touch of A pony and the rainbow colours can end up dull and colourless!" My navy eyes widened in excitement as the pony informed everyone of the risk. It was my last year of flight school and We got to go tour the weather department in Cloudsdale. It was my dream to work there, so of course I was so excited to be there, regardless of the class-wide rumours about the place. Jacky, the head jock of our flight class, loved to tell stories about the "horrifying weather department" in Cloudsdale. I used to always tune in for the daily urban legends he told, the tales were usually the typical "failed students beaten into a crying state and then their tears harvested for rain" Type of deal. I never really objected to his stories, not knowing if they were real myself or not, but I just brushed it off usually. One day he rambled on about rainbows being made from ponies, it really did spook a few ponies, but not me. It was more of a fascination about the story and concept than a small creep. Living things being taken and made into beautiful things of colour and magic? Seems pretty useful. (At least more than all the wars and fighting in this world.) "now onto the mixing stations!" the tour-guide called whilst his wings unfolded for take off, "The mixing stations are up here so we'll need to fly up!" and with a smile he rose into the air, the group following along like sheep. after a minute or so we were landing on a higher platform, we had to fly a pretty long distance since the room was ENORMOUS! My eyes darted across the large group of ponies, everypony was smiling. Everypony...except Jacky. I trotted up to the front of the group, where Jacky was. "Now! Everypony follow me!" I bumped Jacky slightly, drawing his attention, I signalled him to follow me. Once me and Jacky were at the back of the group I leaned in, walking next to him still. "Hey, jacky...why are you upset?" Jackys light blue hair bounced along as we walked, "I'm not upset...I'm......" he hesitated for a few seconds, "I'm....scared."  Jacky's yellow Eyes were wide with fear. "Why?" I asked blandly. He froze up for a few seconds, he continued walking, "the...the rainbows.." He mumbled. I raised my eyebrow "you of all ponies.." I questioned harshly. "Yea" he blankly stated. I raised my light grey tensely. Jacky slowly walked in front of me. I knew my words hurt him. I dropped my head in shame.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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