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    I sat against my headboard palms pressed to the sides of my head trying to drown out the screaming coming from my mom's bedroom. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stood, knees shaking, fear coursing threw my veins. I slowly grabbed the bag from out from under the bed. The screams got louder and more labored. A loud growl ripped through the yelling and all at once screaming stopped. I took my chance and darted to the bedroom window. As I struggled to open the window an ear-piercing shriek rang through the house. A sob racked my body as my window finally opened with a loud groan. I climbed out on to the windowsill and looked at the ground below me. My eyes were torn from the ground as my bedroom door flew open to reveal my stepdad, Jason. His eyes were blood red and his shirt was soaked in what I could only assume was my mother's blood. He emitted a low growl and lunged for me, but in a moment of faith and fear, I lept from the window and landed with a hard thud on the grass below me.

    Dazed I slowly rose to my feet and ran across the yard, pain pulsing from my right ankle every time my foot hit the ground. I hear a loud thud behind me turning I see Jason standing below my window. I whimper and turn back on my heel to run to the woods boarding the edges of the property. I wasn't fast enough because Jason tackled me about ten feet from the edge of the woods. He turned me onto my back so I was facing him. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I struggled to get free of his grip. I did the only thing I could think of and swiftly brought my knee to his groin in a sharp hard blow. His grip loosened on me and I was able to worm my way out from under him. clambering to my feet I dashed into woods and didn't stop running until the pain in my ankle was too much to bear. My knees gave out and I hit the forest floor and started sobbing.

    I didn't hear the footsteps approaching me. With one a sharp hard blow to the back of my head everything went black. 


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