The Covenant (HP fiction)

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Long time ago, The Magic Kingdom have 6 royals family. They called their selves The Covenant. The 1st family a.k.a the leader is Malfoy. The member of the Covenant are Potter, Zabini, Nott, Weasley and Parkinson. They really close to each other.

The Malfoy’s family only have 1 child named Draco Malfoy. The Potter’s family have twins named Harry and Hermione Potter. The Zabini’s family have 1 child named Blaise Zabini. The Nott’s family have 1 child named Theodore Nott. The Weasley’s family have 7 children named William, Charles, Percy, Frederick and George ( twins), Ronald and Ginevra Weasley. The Parkinson’s family have 2 children named Daniel and Pansy Parkinson.

They always together so the children really close. But one summer, one family had incident. The Parkinson lost their daughter (Pansy Parkinson), they blame Mione Potter for that. The Parkinson left The Covenant and took away Hermione Potter from her family.

Alex Parkinson lost his mind and kidnapped Mya Potter, gave her to muggle family named Granger. Cynthia Parkinson lost her mind and down to depression and kill her self. Daniel lost his sister and mom, vow to kill the Covenant.

Mya Potter got kidnapped and live as muggle. She only know the granger as parents. The Granger don’t have kid of their own so happy that their can adopt Mya. They have power and very rich in muggle world. Mya as their heir. Mya 5 years old when got kidnapped.

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