The Story of Bardock and Gine Chapter 1 The Green Jewel

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FRIZA WE DONT WORK FOR YOU ANYMORE!!! Bardock said as the destruction of his planet was only moments away. Oh kami... Zarbon is that another one of those annoying monkeys again? Said frieza leader and commander over the saiyans as of now.
I believe it is sir should I take care Zarbon asked. No no it's my job. Frieza responded.

Well if you really feel that way then come on monkey....just try and save your selves. Frieza explained quietly.

Bardock then charged all of his energy he had left into a blue sphere strong enough to wipe out a whole planet of weaklings. Frieza then held up one finger and without even standing up or saying a word a huge ball of fire that burns hotter then the sun was created. The ball Frieza made was about as big as a moon. NOW MONKEY PREPARE TO DIE!!!! Frieza shouted as he threw the huge ball with a flick of his finger. YOU WILL BE THE ONE WHO DIES!!!! Said Bardock as pulled his hand back and threw the sprit ball at Frieza's Super Nova. The Super Nova absorbed Bardock's spirt ball and continued moving forward.

Soon after that the Super Nova moved forward and started to destroy everything in its path including Bardock. His body disappeared and the ball killed everyone in its path until it hit planet vegeta and exploded. Frieza, Zarbon, and Dodoria were all sitting on the roof of the space ship laughing at how the saiyan were destroyed.

Or so they thought

Bardock slowly opened his eyes and to his surprise he was in a tree. He looked around and heard a moan. He sat up in the tree and feel down hanging on to the branch with his tail. While he was hanging there he spotted a women in pink and black armor smiler to his. (just different colors and no ankle or wrist warmers) Bardock jumped down to check on the women. He shook her awake and she opened one eye and moaned again. Ugh....Bardock...where are we? The women said. Bardock was in shock that she knew her name and something in his brain snapped... This women is Gine... My wife!!! Bardock thought to him self. Bardock hugged her and squeezed her so hard she lost her breath. GINE YOUR ALIVE!!!! Bardock said surprised. Yes...I am but where are we? Gine said. Bardock looked I have no idea. He said. Gine stood up and so did Bardock. They both flew up and decided to explore the area.

So how did we survive? Gine asked.
Bardock replied with. I couldn't tell you but I'm happy we did. Bardock stopped and said. Wait a minute Gine I remember this place.... This is the green jewel.. I heard of this planet somewhere but I can't remember what from. Gine was in shock but managed to say. Yeah the locals named it E..arth? Right? Bardock clicked his scouter once and said. Yes it is. They both whet silent for a few minutes while Bardock kept clicking his scouter and looking around then suddenly Bardock looked in the direction of some where a bunch of people magically appeared. Bardock clicked it one more time and the scouter shot off the scale and started rising. AH! Bardock said then took the scouter off and put it around his belt. Gine there's something over there and whatever or whoever it is it's really really strong!! Bardock said as he grabbed Gine and flew down to the ground. Well what should we do? Gine asked. We stay low and wait we don't know if it's a foe or friend we shall stay here for a bit before we move again. Bardock replied. Gine nodded and then kept walking on but more carefully.

Hope you enjoyed chapter one of this book i know it may have copied other Bardock and Gine adventures but I really wanted to make a book of my own about them because I think that they are the coolest saiyans ever!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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