Fuck you Levi

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Real quick before we get started here I just wanted to let you know that c/c means capital city mkay bye~
You were currently in the car with your twin sister Annie. She was sitting in the passenger seat on her phone doing God knows what.While you drove you two to a swim meet in (c/c)."hey (y/n),how much longer " Annie asked in a bored tone."About 15 minutes Annie " you said in a monotone voice never once taking your eyes off the road." So did you know that you're so fast that your going to be swimming with the boys ?"Annie said like it was no big deal."WHAT?!?" You yelled totally losing your cool. "Yeah that's what Coach B. Just texted me ." Annie said taking her eyes off the phone to make eye contact with you. "I honestly don't think that I'm supposed to swim with the boys!" You said in a monotone voice showing Annie that you didn't want to joke around."I'm serious she said turning the phone so you could see what your coach had texted. "Oh my god you are being serious." You said returning your gaze to the road. "Wow and they are still of the 15-16 age group to ." Annie said eyes scanning her phone screen. "They have some really high expectations for me huh Annie?" You said slightly chuckling at the end. "That they do." Annie replied.
Time skip brought to you by the lazy author
You parked the car and undid your seatbelt. Annie was already opening the trunk to get her swim bag out. You opened your door and walked back to the trunk to grab your bag. You reached in and pulled out you(f/c) swim bag before slamming the trunk shut. You turned to see Annie focused on a group of people getting out of a large van, they were kind of loud . You winced as a guy who kinda looked like a horse turned and threw up in a bush. "Ok then." You said awkwardly as you turned to go into the school where state was held. "That one is kinda cute...." Annie said her eyes focused on a small blonde boy reading a book. "What has gotten into you Annie?! You've never been interested in guys until now!" You said shocked." Well that's cause all the guys at our school are butt-ugly"Annie said bluntly. "Wow that was harsh "you said opening the doors to the school. You and Annie made your way into the locker room and began changing into your blue swim suits. The locker room door opened when you both had your suits halfway on you You both turned to see the girls from the van. They also stopped and studied you and Annie."woah are two twins!?" A girl with brown hair pulled into a messy ponytail yelled you both winced. " Calm down Sasha." A girl with short black hair said in a monotone voice."sorry Mikasa." Sasha said in a quieter voice. "Yes we are twins" you said with a unamused face. You turned back around and finished putting your suit on and slung your bag onto your shoulder before turning and walking out onto the pool deck. You choose a spot on the bleachers next to Annie who somehow got out of the locker room before you. Your coach looked at all of you sitting in the bleachers she did a head count before sending you off to stretch before warm-up.
Time skip brought to you by Levi's cleaning products!
Ten minutes after warm-ups was when the meet was supposed to start. You where swimming the 200 fly (your best swim). One event before yours you got up to go behind the block."good luck (y/n), don't let them beat you." Annie said never looking up from her phone." "Thanks Annie, and there is no way any of those shits are gonna beat me!" You said jabbing your thumb at your chest.
You got behind your block and began stretching. " I think you missed your event." A deep voice said from behind you. You turned around slowly examining the short dark haired male behind you, he had a  six pack and a green tight fitting swim suit that went down to his knees. " No I didn't I'm in the next event ." You said returning to your stretching ."Tch listen brat you can't be in the next event because it's a boys event." He said sounding very annoyed." Yes I can I'm faster than all the girls so they make me swim with the boys." You retort equally annoyed."whatever." He said turning and going into the next lane over.  "Alright event 2 boys 200 fly heat 6 of 6." The announcer chimed. Beep you step onto the block the crowd began to talk "take your mark" everyone went silent. Beep. You flew off the block and dove into the water and immediately began to dolphin kick for as long as you could before surfacing for air you broke out into your fly, your arms coming out of the water your legs never stopped kicking. By the last 25 you noticed someone was slightly ahead of you, you pushed your self harder determined to win. But sadly they beat you. You slammed your hands on the wall and ripped your cap and goggles off and glared at the board. Half a second. This guy Levi beat you by half a fucking second. You tore your eyes off the board and glared at the guy and realized that it was the same guy that called you a brat. "Fuck you Levi ." You growled while glaring at him." Fuck you too...... Brat." He said before pulling himself out of the pool and walking away.

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