I am human too
They call me ‘freak’ they call me ‘weird’
For being myself not a clone
They call me hurtful names
They shun me
And mock me
But they forget
I have a nose
Two eyes
One mouth
Two arms
Two legs
But they forget
I feel the just like they do
In the privacy of my room I break down and cry
As their sharp words
Taunt me
I won’t ever let them see the weakness
I will put on my mask
I won’t ever let them see the damage
Each time I put on a new mask
To hide cracks beneath
Each time they taunt and shun me
A little more of me falls to pieces
But they forget
I am human too
They forget
I am human too
I stand at the edge ready to fall
Ready to die
Sometimes I believe them
As I struggle at the centre of their spiteful games
And I forget too
I forget
I am human too