Torn Apart

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Running down the street, my tears stained my cheeks. Why did life have to hate me? It felt like somebody had thrown a glass at my heart. My world was shattered, and nothing or no one could fix it. I fell hard on the cold ground. The street lights shone on my scars. Drowning in my tears, the black night became blurry. Before I knew it, my numb hand had clumsily picked up a sharp rock and drawn it across my arm. Screaming in pain, blood dripping off my skin, everything turned black. My name is Mia Jackson, and I am depressed. *flash back* "Sorry Mia, I can't hang out today. I'm going to this church school thing." "What time does it end?" I asked. "It goes till 11:00. Afterwards I have a bunch of chores to do. Sorry, maybe we'll get together tomorrow." "Alright, bye." I hung up the phone. Chelsea never went to church, I wonder why she was going today. Plus, wasn't church on Sundays? Sighing, I flipped open my magazine. At 11:30, I called Chelsea's home phone to see how church was. Her mom answered the phone. "Hello, Mia!" She said happily. "Hi Mrs. Berley, I was just calling to see how the church school went." She told me they didn't go to church this morning. I just thanked her for the information and hung up the phone. I was puzzled. Why did Chelsea lie about church school, and why couldn't she hang out? Walking down the dim hallway, sweaty hand clutching my math book, I tried not to think about what had happened last night. It didn't work. I was still so angry at Chelsea. Last night, I had gone on Facebook, like I usually do, and saw some interesting pictures on Alana Berling's profile. They were of her and, you guessed it, Chelsea. My best friend had blown me off and lied to me so she could hang out with Alana? Since when was she even friends with her? Not only that, but there were more messages than usual to me on my status. "how much do you want, slut?" "die fatass, it'll help everyone. especially Braden." etc. I was used to it, but somehow people seemed to be targeting me more than usual lately. The room was hot and humid, and crumpled balls of paper were being thrown across the room nonstop. Mrs. Veldovich, my pre-algebra teacher, kept on teaching despite all the racket. I figured she was used to it by now, considering our school doesn't have the most behaved kids. I just sat at my lonely little desk, hovering over my journal, writing hearts with the words M+B. B stands for Braden Richards, the hottest guy in school. I had a major crush on him, every girl did. I knew he would never like me back, I was a nobody. I try to get up the nerve to ask him out, but I never can. Now I was determined. Flipping to a new page, I wrote: "Braden, will you go out with me? - Mia" I know it's lame, but that doesn't matter. Quickly, I passed the note to the girl sitting next to me, Brittany I think her name was, before I could chicken out. Somehow she knew it was going to Braden, and she passed him the note, an amused smirk on her face, as if this was a movie and she couldn't wait to see how it played out. As he read the note, I was so nervous I wanted to bolt out of the room. Watching him stifle a laugh with his friends, I looked down at my math journal in shame. Next thing I knew, my piece of paper flew back and hit me in the back of my head before falling to the floor. I picked it up and read his reply. "How much do you want?" They were the same words I had seen the night before. Sitting on my comfy bed, I quietly cried to myself. I was humiliated. Not only did Braden reject me, he was the one who posted those mean comments on my Facebook. Staring at the sharp knife in my hand, I pondered at the thought of cutting. Usually I ran the blade right through my skin without thinking. But this was... Different. He didn't seem worth it anymore. Deciding to wait, I shoved the weapon into my desk drawer. As I continued to sit on the bed and cry softly, I heard my mom and my brother, Drew, yelling at each other from downstairs. They always fought. It's not like I wasn't used to it, so I just pulled my covers over my face and cried myself to sleep. Saturday morning had finally come. I got out of bed and skipped downstairs. I was in a very good mood. Reaching into the pantry and grabbing a bowl of Cheerios, my brother came down, still half asleep. "Hey Drew!" I said. We were so close, I loved my brother more than anybody. "Hey Mia, this came in the mail yesterday." He handed me a letter. Wrinkling my nose, I replied, "then why didn't you give it to me yesterday?" Smirking, he told me to just read the letter, and went back upstairs. I opened the letter and read it. Dear Mia, You are the rhythm to my music. You put the 'pretty' in 'pretty cool' I love you Oh my god. I have a secret admirer. He's really bad at writing poems, but he like ME! On the deck, suntanning, I couldn't stop thinking about the note. I just couldn't believe it! If only I knew who wrote it... Wait. I could just look at the address on the letter! I can't believe I didn't think of that earlier! Sprinting inside, I found the note. Reading the address on it, it wasnt familiar. So I scrambled for the school directory in my drawer. Found it! Flipping the little orange book open, my stomach clenched. I was so nervous. Finally, I spotted the name associated with the address on the letter. Oh my god. It must be a mistake! No, you can't mistake an address on an official letter. This can't be happening. My heart was beating in my chest. My secret admirer is... Braden Richards! I couldn't put the fact of Braden being my secret admirer out of my head as I was sitting bored in History class Monday morning. It was unreal. First of all, he blew me off on Friday. And second of all, the hottest guy in school can't like ME. I'm a total nobody! Maybe he didn't think so... There I go again. Lost in Braden land. "Mia? MIA!" I quickly snapped out of my day dream. "What, huh?" Mr. Blanchard stared at me with his cold, mean eyes. "Ms. Jackson, do you have any idea what could happen if you continue to doze off in my class?" "Uh, I wouldn't be caught up on the gossip of those old guys in wigs?" I was going for laughter, and that's what I got. Except it wasn't with me, it was at me. Like I just told the worst joke in the world. My History teacher officially hated me now. "No. I'm afraid not. You'll fail my class, and if you fail my class, you won't get into a good college, if you don't get into a good college, you'll have to work the night shift at McDonald's. And you will not have a life! Understand me?" I was shocked. "Um, y-yes sir." Mr. Blanchard smiled cruelly. "Oh and by the way, nobody found that joke funny. Everybody was laughing at you. So I suggest you just give up on having friends." This caused an uproar of laughter. I was so embarrassed I could just- "Mr. Blanchard I go through enough already I don't need YOU to tell me how everybody freaking hates me!" Storming out of the classroom, I was fighting tears. Ugh. I was sitting in a bathroom stall, crying because of my life. And Im gonna go home to my abusive parents. Great, that's just what I need. This happens every single day. I had to face my problems, not hide from them. I got up and walked out of the girls bathroom, face still damp from my tears. Braden, I had to talk to Braden about the note right now. Luckily, class had dismissed, and I found him putting away his history book at his locker. I built up my courage and walked towards him. "Braden, I know it was you who wrote me that letter." He had a strange, confused look on his face. "Um, I never wrote you a letter?" He replied. "Don't lie to me you wrote me a love letter, it had your address on it." He only said, "how do you know my address? Go away, stop stalking me loser." And left me standing there, hurt and puzzled. "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!" I screamed. Drew just laughed again. "It's not funny! You made me embarrass myself in front of everybody and made me think that a guy could actually like me!" God, how was I so dumb? I should have known my stupid brother was playing a trick on me. He just loved to ruin my life, didn't he? My mom heard all the screaming and came running upstairs. "Drew played a cruel joke on me!" I sobbed. "Get over it it's just a joke!", Drew replied. "IT DOESN'T FEEL LIKE A JOKE TO ME!" Still screaming, I tried to kick Drew but he dodged it easily. My mom got angry. "STOP IT!" , she yelled at me, and slapped me in the face. It hurt really bad. I just slapped her back, harder, and ran into my room, slamming the door and locking it behind me. Fresh tears staining my cheeks, I opened my drawer and reached for the knife. Without thinking, I cut two new marks on my wrist, blood dripping down onto my bed. I realized, nothing mattered anymore. So why didn't I just give up? The next morning, I heard my phone beep. Picking it up, I saw a text from Chelsea. It was 6 in the morning, I thought, she never texted me this early. I read it, and it said: "Mia, lets hang tonight at 8. At my house." Well, I couldn't refuse, she had apologized about 15 times for blowing me off last week. So I decided to get through another day of school so I can go to Chelsea's. Although I was just gonna hide in the janitors closet all day because I can't face Braden... My backpack felt like it weighed more than me as I was walking to Chelsea's house. I accidentally tripped on a rock and almost fell on my face. Grunting, I continued walking with a stubbed toe. As I reached her house, I heard voices through the window. "Alana, you're my best friend, don't worry!" It was Chelsea. I was so confused. "I know. But why can't you just dump Mia already?" "I can't just dump her NOW. You know I only became best friends with her so Braden would go out with me. Remember, he said he wished someone would be friends with her, and he would admire the girl who did?" Chelsea said confidently. "Well now he hates her, so just stop being best friends with her already, she's a nobody! People might start hating you as much as they hate her." "Don't worry, I will. I just need to find the right time." How about now? I thought. *first paragraph happens* ******************************************************************************************* So, as you guys know, Mia was depressed. She cut herself and thought her whole world was over. But that didn't last very long. She was moved to a better family, and now goes to another school. She has a ton of friends who love her and everything bad in her life has gone away. I'm sorry I did not have time to write an actual ending, but I just wanted to let you know what happened. Thanks for reading xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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