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Molly looked around before stepping off the bright yellow school bus. A new school for the third time this year, and she really was ready for a fresh start. Sure, it was hard having to move around a lot, but maybe this was the chance she needed to finally try and fit in.

The school bell rang and Molly quickly pulled the schedule out of her backpack and started walking. Looking around, she tried to find someone that would at least stop and help her. "Excuse me, do you think you could maybe help me find my class?"

The boy she stopped and looked at her, blinked slightly, but nodded. "Of course! Are you new here?"

She nodded. "Yeah today's my first day. Yes, I should have gotten here a little sooner to look around or something, but my bus was late and ugh just a rough morning."

He laughed. "Yeah that sounds like it sucks." He looked over the schedule once more. "Okay so you're gonna go straight down the end of the hall and then take a right. Room 22."

"Ah thank you so much." Molly smiled, stuffing her schedule back inside her pocket as she watched him walk the other way down the hall. Following his directions took her right to where she had to go. Room 22--the biology class.

Just as she had found and seat and sat down, the bell rang and the rest of the kids that were in the hallway filed into the room and took a seat; the teacher trailing behind.

"Good morning class. Today I'm passing around a worksheet and I want you to find a partner and start working." He said as he picked up a stack of papers off of his desk. "If no one finishes the work, then it becomes homework. There's a quiz at the end of the week."

As he passed out the papers, none of the students in the class seemed to move, causing him to sigh. "Well, I guess I'll have to pick the partners." He grumbled as he pulled out a list from his desk. "Let's see. Emma and Adam. Harry and Zayn..I know I'll regret that in a bit..Louis and Molly.."

Once everyone was partnered up, everyone stood up and moved to sit next to their partners. Of course, Louis had no idea who Molly even was as she was new to the school. Even worse, she didn't know who he was either.

"Are you Molly?" The brunette boy asked the girl in front of him. "I'm Louis, I think we got paired up?"

She nodded. "Yes, sorry I was trying to figure out who everyone was. I'm new, if you couldn't tell." Molly told him, trying to crack a joke with him.

He didn't say a word as he sat down next to her, leaning back in his chair. "So you know the work we're doing?"

"Yeah, it seems easy enough. You're working on the endocrine system and just have to define the parts of it." She said, already starting to fill out the worksheet. "Have you already covered this in class."

He shrugged. "Don't know. I haven't really been paying attention."

Molly was about to speak up but the teacher came over and stood in front of the two's desks. "Louis looks like you could benefit from having Molly around. And Molly, good job, it seems like you'll be a great addition to the class." He looked over the worksheet that Molly was working on. "So far so good, every answer is right."

"Thank you sir." Molly smiled, pushing her hair behind her ear. "I was in AP biology in my other school, but they couldn't transfer the credits over."

The teacher looked startled. "If you don't mind me asking, how would you like to be one of our student tutors?"

She blinked. "That actually sounds like something I'd be interested in. What are the requirements?

"Well, all I need you to do is tutor one student who is very hard to teach." The teacher told her, his eyes going right to Louis.

"Aw, you're talking about me!" Louis smirked, holding his hand to his chest. "Well I am flattered, really."

Molly nodded. "Yeah, I would love to be a tutor." She said, hearing Louis groan next to her.

"What do you really think she's going to do? Make me any smarter than I already am?" Louis questioned as he leaned back in his chair.

The teacher sighed, reaching up and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Louis, I know that you want to graduate in a few weeks, and this is the only chance of bringing your grade up high enough to even come close. Now I suggest you get to work."

Groaning, Louis looked down at his paper. "He's always had it out for me. It's like he wants me to fail just so he can fail me again."

Molly gave him a small smile. "Well I'm more than happy to help you. I don't want to have to see you not graduate or anything. What time works for you?"

"You tutor a lot of people at your other school?" He asked, raising a brow. " 'Cause you seem a little too excited about this."

Shrugging, she looked down at her paper and started to write the answer on one of the questions. "I like learning, and I guess I kind of just enjoy it?"

He nodded. "Fair enough." Louis mumbled. "How about we go to my place after school? Sure my roommates won't mind."

"Sounds good to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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