Cinema Dates

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Mark pulled the neck of his hoodie tighter around his face to block out some of the bitter wind that was howling down the streets around him. He turned his head in the direction of his shivering friend and laughed at Jinyoung who had forgotten his jacket and was currently freezing his ass off.

"Come on!" He shouted forcefully, knowing that the words were being ripped from his mouth as soon as they escaped his tinged-blue from cold lips. "We're almost there I promise." Mark continued with as he began to walk at a faster pace towards the destination. The other boy grumbled under his breath in response but it was stolen by the wind before it ever graced the red head's ears.

Jinyoung desperately tried to rub some life back into his numb arms but sadly felt nothing, letting out a huff of annoyance which was mostly a puff of hot air escaping his mouth. With a distinctive smirk on his face he then chose to take advantage of the warmth next to him. He latched onto Mark by wrapping his arms around the other's waist from behind and then slipped his hands into the hoodie pockets. The momentarily warmth that seeped into him lasted for mere seconds before the red head shrieked and tried to throw the other boy off. Mark succeeded and Jinyoung ended up on the hard pavement.

Mark just laughed and continued walking ignoring Jinyoung's screams of how cruel the other is for firstly putting him on the floor and then leaving him there. Eventually the sound of gravel scraping and footsteps could be heard coupled with a huff and he could practically hear the other crossing his arms like an angry toddler, but with that Mark knew that Jinyoung was beside him once again.

Both boys rounded the corner and the cinema then came into view with its obnoxious neon sign hanging above the door. They stopped momentarily to gaze at the posters of the latest films that were hung on the exterior walls of the building. Once they had agreed on a film the two of them went in, and at once wanted to come right back out again.

The fact that it was colder within the cinema coupled with the musty smell of old mouldy carpets that hit them as they walked in was enough reason to want to turn tail. A long queue was yet another wonderful thing that greeted them as they walked in and Jinyoung huffed in annoyance as a result of it. But after trudging all this way there was no point in giving up and heading home now.

"Mark." Jinyoung whined drawing out his name, "It's bad enough you made me walk here, which I froze my ass off in the process of thank you very much as well as throwing me to the floor, all to see a film when we could of just stayed in and watched Netflix, but now we have to wait as well!"

"Don't blame me, you forgot your jacket and you decided to try and cuddle me in the middle of the street not me you idiot! And it's not the same, being in a cinema is just different, it's so much better." Mark countered with and Jinyoung just stared at him, curiosity filling his deep brown eyes. He had no idea why it was different, it's practically the same thing in both cases you just sit and watch films, but simply in different places. Mark is just weird. But Jinyoung decided to keep this thought to himself instead of voicing it. His best friend looked like a little kid, Jinyoung knew he loved the cinema and decided that the grin Mark had on his face was worth the goose bumps that covered his skin.

The two teens wandered into the confectionary isle next to the till much to Mark's irritation. He knew exactly how overpriced the sweets were at cinemas but no matter how much he complained Jinyoung would never deny his sweet tooth no matter how much it cost him. Mark, already anticipating the time it would take Jinyoung to pick his treats, walked over to the drinks refrigerator and grabbed two coke bottles.

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