"Arrrrrrr why is my life so hard"

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" have you got everything for school Hun said mum yelling from down stairs
" Yes I have everything I have my books,bag,phone and money it's all in my bag "
" Ok see you tonight Hun love you" said mum
"Love you (kissing sound) BYEEE "

Oh hey let me introduce myself my name is Amy I'm 16 and I go to rose more high school
I don't have any friends I used to in primary school but since going to high school I've lost more and more people so now i have no one . No one wants anything to do with me because I'm different I DONT follow the crowd I do what I want to do not what other people want to do like people like to go to party's I'm not a party girl so yer I'm not like other people but
~Le time skip to school~
" Ok I can do this lets go " I said to myself
I was walking to my locker when I saw the mean girls these girls are just plane cruel
" Hey loser what are you doing with all those books hang on let me help" she slapped the top of the books to make them all fall every where on the floor everyone laughs at the girl who's can't defend for her self because I'm too nice
"Arrrrrrr why is my life so hard " I said very quietly
" what was that LOSER "
" Hey what the hell why would you do that to her" said a very deep man voice running towards me .it wasn't a teacher because teachers don't care at all if someone died they just put it in the corner .

"Here let me help you" said the mysterious boy
Why does he want to help me out of all people he helps me
Who is he ?
I look up to see the cutest and nicest boy ever
Matt hill he was popular cute nice funny and a chick magnet but out of all people he helps ME LITTLE OLD ME OMG
"Where's your locker ? Said Matt
" Umm whyyyy? " I said very confused
" Soo I can help you is that a problem?" Said Matt
"NO it's just no one helps me like I mean NO one "
" Well that's not fair your a beautiful young woman people should help you in times of need don't you have any friends "
Said Matt very concerned
Omg he just called me beautiful Omg
"Ummmmm no I don't . Have any friends no likes me I'm different from everyone else so no one likes"
"Um you can hang out with me if you want?" Matt said shyly

I hoped you liked it I'm going to try to post every week ok OK

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