Chapter One

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{Well, hello there! Welcome to one of my newest books! It was written with Maxi, but....... *shrugs* I hope you enjoy. I love you guys <3}

Picture: Grayson Stone

Grayson's POV:

Have you ever hated somebody so badly that even the sight of them has your blood boiling? That the second they open their idiotic mouth, you want to stuff a wrestler's sweaty sock in their mouth?

That's the case for me and my next door neighbor, Orion Benoit.

Ever since we were old enough to talk- Hell, ever since we were old enough to comprehend shit- we hated each other. Orion hates me more than I've ever seen someone hate something before. I'm sure he'd rather burn off his entire arm than be in the same vicinity as me for more than a few minutes.

Sadly for him- and myself- being next door neighbors doesn't really help us. We're invited over for parties our families throw, and even though our parents try to stop it, we usually end up having a screaming match that could easily break glass.

I have no idea why I hate Orion so much, to be completely honest. I mean, other than the fact that he's an asshole cuntbag who is a raging homophobe, I really have no clue why I hate him.

And because of our hate and feuds, and the fact that we're both competitive, it's become a tradition every year for a competition to be held. No matter if it's something as simple as a potato sack race, or something as elaborate as to who can fuck the most girls, Orion and I always compete.

"I'm gonna win this year," I hiss, tugging at my hair in distress as I pace my room. Currently, it's the very end of summer, and I'm plotting with my best friends on how I'm going to beat that little punk ass bitch. "I don't care what it is, I will fucking win."

Lila, my closest friend and the only person who will put up with all of my bullshit, rolls her eyes. "You say that every year," she dismisses. "Why don't you just give it up? I mean, you've only won the competitions once, and it was to do someone's makeup. You couldn't even win the potato sack race!"

I pout, crossing my arms across my chest. In defense, I'm a clumsy person, and my legs got tangled up, so I kinda just fell. Stupid Orion and his stupid good looks and athletics.

Fuck him.

"Well, how about you suggest something that you know you'll win?" She asks, picking at her nails. "You could always do something fashion related. You're gay enough to do it."

I glare at her, my scowl deepening as her twin brother snickers softly. "I'm not gay," I snap, even if it's one hundred percent untrue. I'm a full blown fag, and anyone who gets to know me enough will figure that out rather quickly. I mean, even Orion picked up on it, and he's a fucking retard.

Bennett, Lila's twin, laughs softly, something he'll only ever do when he's around me, his sister, or his boyfriend. He's usually very closed off and timid, unlike his sister, who would march around the town naked and not bat an eye. "Are you sure about that, Gray?" He asks softly, only blushing a little bit.

I nod firmly, my scowl melting into a pout. "I don't like dicks," I mumble, earning laughs from my two friends.

"And neither does Ben." Lila rolls her eyes, making her brother stutter on his words tremendously, face ablaze. After a moment, he gives up, burying his face in his knees. "Alright, whatever you say. Anyway, why don't you talk to Orion about the competition? Or-" She gasps over dramatically, "-how about you just give up competing?"

Give up competing? Is she crazy? That would be like giving up breathing. It would kill me! "Never," I hiss, dropping on the bed with them and resting my head on Li's shoulder. "And I don't wanna talk to Orion. He'll be a dick, as always."

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