Crushes & Criminals

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Hey Honey bunnies! Ok so on the last chapter of Auslly: Mental love I wanted everyone's thoughts on me doing a One-shot. So this is my first ever One-shot so I'm very terrified! I also have another idea for a One-shot in mind so depending if you guys like/love this one I'll make another one! Comments your opinions and input because I really need to know how you guys feel! I wanna give a shout out to one of my idols Cymphonqiue she turned  19 years old  Saturday! I love you so much Cymphonique your a very talented person and I can't wait to see you on the screen and I'm in desperate need of a new song from you honey! Lastly shout out to Sweeteresting she makes the most incredible Raura/Auslly One-shots I have ever read! And I hope my One-shots are as wonderful as hers! If you haven't read her stories I think there is something seriously wrong with you so check her out ASAP!! Alright well......let's get started on my first ever One-shot. Here's Crushes & Criminals! ENJOY!  

Laura's Pov

Hi. My name is Laura Marano and I'm a 17 year old goody-two shoes who's boy crazy and according to my BFF "a thirsty, love-sick, hopeless romantic. Without the romantic part" (What up Shake It Up memory!) She's one to talk Raini hasn't been in a relationship since Freshman year! Anyway I go to Hamilton High here in Seattle. It's a pretty great school, we have a lot activities. Basketball, Football, Cross Country, Volley Ball, Cheerleading, swimming, Music, Theater, Art Club. We have the freedom to wear whatever we want, thank you god! But sometimes girls dress like ether they are on America's Top Model or like they are performing at strip club! It's ridiculous & disgusting the way some of these girls act and dress around here! Especially the Cheerleaders. (No offense to Cheerleaders I know you guys are very hardworking and talented) Sometimes I wanna tell half of the squad "Come on girls 1 more year of school and then you won't have to worry about getting busted for streaking or hooking up with your boyfriends in the hallways. You can be a little freak all you want in the outside world just hold your horses!" Even if I wasn't absolutely terrified about telling them my true feelings about them they probably just tell me to shut the fuck up because I have no right to tell them what to do in they're relationships dealing with the fact that I've never had a boyfriend and I'm always lurking for love! Which is true but at the same time is so not true! I'm not always lurking for love! It's just that I've had a lot of crushes and been....rejected and broken hearted a lot but I keep trying! Sometimes I think I'm stupid and should give up because these boy are soooo full of themselves and only want sex! You think these douche bags would just once consider a girl's personality before trying to drag them back to there place! Aside from all that just want everyone to know that Seattle has crazy hot weather! It was 103 yesterday and that coach just had to make us do 6 laps outside! He's so irritating sometimes! It's Wednesday and rumor has it by Principal Jenson we're getting a new student today. I'm the only who knows because my locker is like 2 inches away from the office and they left the door open again! Good thing I'm the one in the hallway! E.O.P

VP Anderson: Look Anya we can't allow this "Ross Lynch" kid to come to Hamilton! HE'S A CRIMINAL!

Jenson: Well everyone deserves a second chance Zack!

Zack: He had a second chance! He's been arrested 3 times! He could be a danger to the students! I mean what if him and his crew come jump the entire Basket ball team because they're boy didn't get accepted! Or what if he rapes all of the cheerleading squad?!

Anya: Please those cheerleaders are enough to worry about without boys in they're lives! I just suspend the co-captain because she was beating up some girl from the Art club in the locker room!

Zack: Look I don't care this boy is crazy! His file says he nearly killed a cop!, He has  breakdowns and violent o-

Anya: You see this is why your the vice principal! You don't run this and no matter what you say I'm giving this kid a second chance!

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