Tazuna Life and Story

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We got on a boat to the Land of the Waves. Then Kakashi-Sensei ask "Mr.Tazuna why did you lie to us?" Then Tazuna sigh and then said "Well it because of Gato he change our way of life. He cause us pain. We are having hard times building the bridge because of him. He will get rid of every builder for the bridge. That includes me." "So that why you lie to us about it being a C-Class mission?" Sakura ask. "Yes but please can you continue protecting me?" He said looking down. Kakashi-Sensei thought for a bit until he said "Alright but if anything gets dangerous I will take charge not these 4." Then we were under a bridge until a light flash on us showing us we are at the Land of the Waves. "Wow it looks so peaceful!" You said looking around. "Yes it may look like that but it not." Tazuna said. "Well then please take me to my house." He said walking until Naruto shot his kunkai at a tree almost at a snow bunny? Naruto ran to it kepting rubbing it cheek and saying sorry over and over. 'A snow bunny but how winter is already over.' You thought. Then Kakashi-Sensei yelled "GET DOWN!!!" You went to the ground looking up to see a man on a sword that was throw. He was wearing cow pattern warm legging and covering his face. He said "Kakashi of the Sharigun (sorry if i spelled it wrong) i need you to hand over that old man." "Zazbuza of the mist! Go protect Mr.Tazuna and make sure that Zazbuza doesn't get him." Kakashi-Sensei order and then lift up his headband which show his left eye with a scar and the Sharigun. We all took out kunkai and form a circle around Tazuna. Naruto started saying "What is the Sharigun?" Then Saskue started explaining what the Sharigun is but ask how does Kakashi-Sensei has it. Then a mist appear blocking our field of vision and then Zazbuza started saying which parts of the body he should strike first. Then you saw Saskue holding his kunkai to his heart which made you grab his hand and you said "Don't" "Saskue don't worry i will protect you with my life!" Kakashi-Sensei said with a smile which made us have hope. Then Zazbuza went for us but Kakashi-Sensei stopped him. Then they started to fight around the water. Then the mist clear up a bit and show Kakashi trapped in a prison of water which made us yelled "KAKASHI-SENSEI!!!!!!" Then Naruto, you, and Saskue started to fight againist Zazbuza then we came up with a plan and managed to get a cut on him. You and Naruto were in the water and were cheering cause we managed to get a hit on him. Until he came for us and that when Kakashi-Sensei stopped him. He managed to get out of the water prison. Then we went back to where Saskue, Sakura, and Taunza was. We watch the whole fight until Kakashi-Sensei managed to land Zazbuza on a tree and Zazbuza started to ask "Can you see the future?!" "Yes this is were you die!" Kakashi-Sensei said about to cut his neck until a senbon was shot through Zazbuza neck. We all turn to see who killed him and we saw it was a hunter nin who was wearing a mask with a sign showing he was a ninja of the Village Hidden in the Mist. "Thank you for waking Zazbuza he was my target for some time and now i was able to get his body." He said getting Zazbuza body and disappearing. Then Kakashi-Sensei sigh and out back his headband over his left eye and turn to us and said "Ok now let go to Mr.Tazunza home." Kakashi-Sensei to a couple steps until he fell on the ground and we all yell "Kakashi-Sensei!!!!"

OK for all you Saskue lovers not this is not a love story when you grabbed his hand so relaxed. Ok i know i only wrote about +600 words and that not a lot. Before i use to write about +1200. Please forgive me my house cable is out my brother is using my phone so i am typing this on my house computer. Thank for reading!! BYE!!!!

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