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About an hour passed before people started to come over and most of them were guys and only a few of them brought their girlfriends. "Hey. Jess since when did you start coming to Kori's parties." Blake said. "I just decided to come this time. Problem." I said not looking from the TV that was in front of my face. "No." He said walking off. "Hey girl." Blake's girlfriend Alice said sitting next to me. "Hey" I said. "We are about to do shots want to join" She said. Alice was the only cheerleader who wasn't stuck up and was completely different from all others. "Sure" I said. "Yay." she cheered getting up and walking into the kitchen. I followed her in the kitchen and saw about 20 shot glasses on the counter. "Hey Jess." Kori said walking over to me from talking to one of his friends. "Hey" I said. "Didn't expect you in here." He said. "You expect wrong" I said as people started to take shots.


I know it's short but I didn't know what to write so I just wrote a quick chapter.


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