Blocking the past

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  Aaron has ordered me to eat with him. A tiny part of me is thrilled, but I keep that locked away. Every time Aaron and I are both happy something dreadful happens. 

 He gives me a big slice of pizza. Of course he would know what my favorite good is. The thought of him not only kidnapping me but also stalking me was creepy. And didn't come to me as a shocker. "Thank you, master," ugh I hate that word.






"Are you listening to me?" Aaron asks. I blink several times. Did I really just block him out of my head? How did I do that because I need to block him out a lot. He's annoying, cruel, childish, has cute eyes that captures my soul, gorgeous... wait, what?! Stop thinking like that brain! 

A hand starts waving in my face. "Scarlett?" My breathing started to hitch. Please tell me he didn't just call me Scarlett. If he did I might actually like... no I will not! "What, master?" He chuckles softly. His chuckle sounded familiar. Like when we were little kids and I would make him laugh. The sound of that laugh always warmed my heart.

 But now is a different time. I didn't feel the warm feeling anymore. It was gone.  


Sorry for a short chapter. I just wanted you to know how she blocks out feelings.

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