Chapter 4

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Wendy POV

Natsu and I were losing money, and fast. My and Natsu's jobs aren't paying enough for us to live off of. Natsu had to drop out of college, and he was working hard to obtain money. The sorrow and grief is slowly eating my being. I never smiled anymore, I frowned. Chelia wasn't back yet, and I was a loner. I'' probably be a loner for the rest of my life.

I was cleaning a table in the restaurant and I was cleaning it rather aggressively. Whenever I thought about Romeo, my blood boiled.

"Wendy, what did the table ever do to you?" I heard a voice and I turned around to see Chelia standing there. I would have smiled if I was still the old me. But I'm not that person anymore. I kept the frown on my face and shrugged. "Wendy, is everything okay?" She asked and I kept my gaze fixed onto the table. "Did Natsu tell you?" I asked and she shook her head. "My parents' disappeared about a week ago." I said and she looked generally shocked. Whenever I would say it, I would feel a lump in my throat. I missed them dearly.

She remained silent and I kept on cleaning the table. "I'm not the same as before, Chel. I can't get myself to go back." I said depressed and she looked at me. "I understand what you're feeling Wen." She said and I was shocked. "I know what it's like to lose someone that you care dearly for. Before I came here, my best friend, Ultear, died." She said and I couldn't keep the shock from crawling onto my face.

"But I pulled through Wen. You have to pull through; someone that cares for you very much will help you do that." She said and I tilted my head to the side. "Who helped you?" I asked curiously even though I hadn't been curious ever since my parents disappeared. "Lyon." She said. The guy who gave her, her first kiss helped her pull through. "Its love that helps you pull through." She said smiling at me. "As a friend I'll try my best to help you pull through this." She smiled and then Sherry walked in. "Chelia! We have to go home!" She said and my friend smiled apologetically at me. I tried to smile but it didn't form on my lips.


After she left I continued cleaning the table.


I had gotten my check for the month and I placed it on the counter. Natsu worked later than I did, so he could get more money for us.

I walked up to my room and fell onto my bed. "Why... Why did this happen?!" I shouted into my pillow tears streaming down my face. All I want to do is crawl up and die alone.

I'll never find somebody who cares for me like that that I could love back as well. I'll end up alone, and I know it.

I cried myself to sleep still in my work outfit.

I woke up and I looked around the house. There was a note on the kitchen saying that Natsu had gone to work already. I ate cereal and milk before heading back up to my room to change. Once I got to school, wherever I went there were murmurs. Chelia was sick today, and she had texted me earlier that morning.

"Look, it's that girl..." I couldn't hear the rest of it, and I chose to just ignore all of those whispers. I stayed strong even though I wanted to break down.

After a long day of school, I went to the grocery shop to get only the essentials. I bought the cheapest stuff I could find to conserve money. I paid for everything and walked outside to go home.

It was a little cold, and I shivered holding my coat closer to me. As I walked the paper bags holding the groceries made a little crinkling sound. I couldn't help my mind drifting back to my parents.

I couldn't help but wonder about where they were, if they're safe or not... All those things brought tears to my eyes, and I quickly blinked them away.

My mind always seemed to drift to Romeo, but I always shake those thoughts out of my mind. I decided that I hated him, just like before I found out that he was Flare...

I hadn't realized that I was only a few meters away from my home. I sighed in relief the icy air around me making me shiver as I quickly scurried into my home.

I gently closed the door behind me slipping off my shoes and going into the kitchen to put away the food. The house was a lot less lively then it was only a few weeks ago. I sighed to myself and started arranging the articles in the fridge, freezer and pantry.

"Wendy..." I heard Natsu's voice and I turned around and saw him gloomily standing in the hallway of the kitchen. "Natsu..." I said back looking at him with pain written all over my face. Natsu had also changed. He was never happy, never excited, he never ate much... He was the complete opposite of what he used to be. And, he never didn't fight with Gray... Ever.

"Wendy... We're losing a lot of money... The house is about to go into mortgage. We won't have the house soon." He said and I gasped. No! We couldn't lose the house! It was the last place that we ever saw our parents! We can't! This can't be happening! I was mentally freaking out, and I can tell you, I felt like I was going to be sick.

No matter how hard I tried to stop them, tears flowed freely down my cheeks. I could tell that Natsu was trying to stay strong for me, but I couldn't help but notice the pain on his features. "Nastu! We have to save it! We have to work harder! We can't... I can't lose this house!" I cried my knees gave up and I fell to the ground in a helpless heap. Natsu walked over to me and held me in his arms. "I'm sorry Wendy. We can't stop this from happening." He said and I shook my head vigorously. "Where will we live?" I asked and he looked saddened. "You're going to live in this place that I found for young adults that cannot afford to have any money and that have no family to help them pay." He said and my heart was racing inside my chest.

"What do you mean me? You're coming with me right?" I said shocked and he shook his head. "No. I'm too old to live in that house. I won't allow you to live on the streets and starve." He said and my heart broke in half. "No! You can't be serious about this! You're the only family that I have left and I won't just let you walk off and die! I won't let you!" I screamed my tears not cessing. "Please Wendy... You have to understan-" "NO! I WON'T LET YOU GO!" I shouted and I could tell that he didn't want to let me go either. "Wendy, please." He begged and I shook my head running up the stairs and into my bedroom.

Why does everything happen to me?! To Natsu and I?! What have we done to deserve this!?

I screamed and sobbed into my pillow and I stayed like that for what seemed like forever.


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