I've moved to Crazy Town!

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Things happen for a reason. This was no accident. This was fate...

The sun is scorching. I can see the top of the Temple in the distance. I should be out there. In Temple Square with my friends. But no instead I'm looking out the window feeling sorry for myself as I pack up all of my belongings. If you haven't guessed already I'm moving. Far away. The idiot that is my dad decided we would leave Salt Lake City and America altogether. He owns a worldwide sports company – McGuire & Co. They are opening up a new branch so we all have to pack up and leave where I'll have no sun, friends, boyfriend or life. None of my siblings want to go either we are only teenagers after all. I'm 17 I don't want to start all over again. I have it made here. I'm with the guy of my dreams that I had wanted for years, I have the best friends a girl could ask for and my other family are here.

I've been with my boyfriend Chris for about six months now. I've been crazy about him since I can remember and when he came back from his mission we gave us a shot. He is a 6ft 2 tanned physics engineer student. He is 22 and extremely good looking. He has perfectly messy short brown hair, mesmerizing brown eyes and a perfect smile that made me weak at the knees. Thanks to my dad I won't be calling him my boyfriend for much longer.

I got off of my windowsill and decided I should maybe start packing. I thumped down on the ground next to my dishevelled bed that I hadn't made this morning when I got up and pulled out a few boxes from underneath it. I opened them to see they were full of photographs from loads of different things. I smiled as I had flashbacks of all of the memories. Those were the good old days: picnics in Temple Square, day trips to Provo and girly days shopping with my Mum.

"Guys how is the packing going?" I heard my Dad shout up.

We all ignored him and my door creaked open and I heard a small voice

"Koda I don't want to move"

I looked up and saw my wee brother Ethan in front of me. He stood with his brown hair all messy and his bright blue eyes watering.

"Me either buddy"

He sat on my lap and nestled his face in the crook of my neck and hugged me tight. I saw my door move open further and my dad stood in the doorway

"Wee man you're supposed to be packing" he said

Then an almighty shout came from the small boy hugging me

"Don't call me that Rick! Only people I like get to call me that"

Dad's face dropped and he sighed and rolled his eyes and he didn't look too happy when he shouted

"Right I've had enough of all of you being miserable, disrespectful and cheeky"

I wasn't going to sit there and take that so I jumped up putting Ethan on my bed and I didn't mean to say most of what it said but it burst out and I yelled back

"Well maybe you shouldn't have made such an idiotic decision! You're running away from the things you don't like. We all miss her but I speak for all of us when I say it is easier to deal with when we are here because we have our friends and family and memories of her. She is here dad not away over the other side of the world."

His face screwed up a bit. He straightened it out took a deep breath and stated

"I don't care we are moving"

I glared at him and pushed him out of the way so he stumbled into the door frame and I walked out. I made it halfway down the stairs when he said

"Eh where do you think you're going?"

I didn't even bother to turn round and as I stepped out the door I yelled


A week passed by quickly. We landed today. We have just pulled up outside the new house. I stood in the garden holding Ethan looking at the house with disgust and my dad said cheerily

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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