author's note

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I have been in a in Indiana for a few weeks and in all those weeks playing MINECRAFT with a my Bros and
It was amazing but I now that I had to make a story about my GREATEST TIME EVER!!!!!!
so I though about making a book but I thought about making it a little bit more interesting ;)
So I made this book so I hope at least I can get a good comment ok enjoy

MI friends and I were planning the hunger games of course I lost :( ... but! it was because he was a hacker
It was like this/flash back story.
Me:brother please just give me that iron sord man
Sam:no way man last time I gave it to you troll my by switching skins with the guy that was following us
and then you killed me and blaming hem!>:[
Me:but it was him I promise
Sam: o then wy did it set in the top of the screen set Sam the monster hunter was killed by the mega pro
Me:then that guy was a stocker and had the same name as me
Sam: of cours
Me: okay okay but I want you to know that...AHHH! dude look at that guy is he holding a...a...a!...GUN!!!
Sam:wat!? wait that's from the nuclear weapons mod...he
Both at the same time: HACKER!!!?!!?

Sam: o no we are goner's o no I don't wanna get killed by a hacker
Me:don't worry my friend together we will stand up to that hacker and show him that we don't need any
nuclear weapons too win this mach and that you and I will win together and by showing that freaking
best that we don't need nuclear power's and that. 3 hrs later .and will be win the game!!!
Sam:are you done yet you are ok so let's do this let's wait until he opens chest and trap hem around a wall of
stone then we drop lots of sand on top of hem and then he will die
Me:ok but ho can this compete with this we will lose but never lose faith in battle
Sam: o NO it HEM!!! AAAHHH!!!!!

So guys I hope you're loving mi story life something a like or a nice comment so you will tell me if
You want to ask me questions about me or Derek me or something or I can rite the rest of the story
OK bye

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