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A/N: Written for and dedicated to my favorite Appler, pinkpolkadots. Hengsho, gzb ♡


{ final }

It all started one boring work day at Café Haru.

It was three in the afternoon, and Dara's eyes were already burning as she kept on rubbing it. She had been busy the other night studying for her Korean History recitation, which was the main reason why she wasn't able to sleep well. The other reason for her lack of sleep was her annoying neighbor at the dorm who thought that it was perfect to ruin her life by blasting Pitbull and Drake and having a house party at two in the morning.

The boredom and sleepiness was slowly creeping up on her. It also didn't help that she was currently alone, since her co-worker was supposed to come in after her shift and her boss was at the bank to deposit money. She lightly shook her head to wake up before checking the wall clock located at one corner of the quaint café where she was working at. She still had an hour to go before her shift ends and she silently cheered for herself. Just an hour left, Dara, she thought as she continued to wipe the coffee cups on top of the counter.

The door's chime rang but she paid no heed to it. After all, it was that time of the day wherein customers were far and few. Her consciousness was beginning to be taken away by sleep when a soft voice interrupted her. "Excuse me?"

Her eyes instantly opened, the glass coffee cup on her hand unknowingly slipping away. The sound of the dainty cup against the wooden floor was unmistakable as her face contorted in worry and annoyance. Really, now?! I break a cup, now?! When I need money the most?! AISH! She protested inside her mind as she immediately ran to sweep the broken cup on the floor.

She turned her head to the irritating customer with a scowl on her face as soon as she finished sweeping the floor, not expecting to see a male god in front of her. Her eyes widened a bit as the said male bit his lip, looking very much apologetic at the ruckus he unintentionally caused. "Uhh," he began before sneaking a look at Dara's nametag. "Dara-ssi?" She slowly nodded like an idiot. The man embarrassedly rubbed his nape cutely and that was all she could do not to ask for the guy's number. "I'm sorry for the mess I caused." He sincerely apologized, although it was quite evident that what happened was Dara's fault because she wasn't supposed to sleep during work hours.

However, all the words were trapped inside her mouth. All she did was nod her head idiotically, still not trusting her mouth to function well. A minute of full silence ensued between them, and the lack of café customers was now taking its toll.

Jeez Dara, speak!!! Speak!!! Don't make a fool of yourself than you already have! She was urging internally but her mouth seemed to be glued shut. The person in front of her awkwardly coughed before speaking. "Uhm, I'll have one caramel macchiato." He said before showing her a smile. Dara wanted to die right then and there if only she didn't remember that it was embarrassing to fangirl just because of a stranger's very, very, very cute eye smile.

She was supposed to ask for his name, but her mouth was dry and she was still speechless as the stranger continued to smile. She quietly took the money from his hand before handing him his change. She then proceeded to turn her back to him to prepare his caramel macchiato.

"Aren't you supposed to ask for my name?" The stranger's honey-laced voice reverberated through the whole coffee shop and really, Dara wanted to swoon so bad that a bit of caramel coated her hands in nervousness. The man chuckled at that, and she wanted the floor to just open up and swallow her. "Don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person. And I'm really sorry for earlier." He spoke again. His voice was different now... good different. Earlier he seemed to be bashful because of the accident, but now, he's more... confident. His self-assuredness was easy to spot in his voice and Dara was mentally punching herself for being the awkward peanut that she was.

Coffee, Tea, or Just Me? [DaraGon/NyongDal One-shot]Where stories live. Discover now