Let go and be free...

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It was late January and Violet was depressed. She had been for the past seventeen months ever since her beloved partner, Aiden, went missing. One minute she was with him and the next he was gone; his existence erased.
Violet cringed at the memory; she could still feel the stab wounds even though they had healed months ago.
Since that day she had developed agoraphobia. She hasn't left the house since.

One night when Violet went to bed, she had a dream of a blackbird. She woke up and it was 24:00am. For the first time in months she opened her curtains. She saw a blackbird purched on a small branch. Violet looked up and silvery flakes drifted down, glittering in the bright light of the harvest moon. The blackbird swooped down, landed on her windowsill and stared at her for what seemed like hours, before flying away.

Violet thought it symbolized letting go and being free. So the next day, for the first time in seventeen months, she went outside. However, she started having a panic attack just as a man, by the name of Logan, was walking by. He soon summed up the situation and brought her inside. Violet soon calmed down, but got frantic when she realized a strange (attractive) man was in her house.
He assured her that he was a doctor and just trying to help. Violet relaxed and they fell into conversation.
He told her a bit about himself and instantly they had a connection.

"Aren't you to young to be a doctor?" Violet asked, considering the fact that he was only 26. Two years older than herself.

"Well Violet I'm not exactly a doctor, but I did study medicine before I joined the family business." Logan stated.

Violet laughed at this and Logan smiled. They spoke until night fall. Since then Logan visited her everyday and slowly they began to fall in love...

As months passed Logan and Violet started going on walks; though she could never leave hernhouse without him by her side.

One day there was a knock on the door and Violet rushed to open it. Joy rushed through her. She was expecting Logan, even though he was very early. Violet opened the door and she was shocked at what she saw.

"Aiden?" Violet asked bearly a whisper.
He nodded before stepping forward and embracing her in an insufferable hug. Violet was overcome with joy once more as she had thought he had died months ago.

'I have to end things with Logan, before Aiden finds out he even exists' she thought to herself. Then she did the thing she never thought she would do by herself again. She stepped outside. Violet turned around to give Aiden a long, deep kiss before taking off down the street.
Violet had told Aiden that she would be back soon and he should make himself at home once more.
Aiden didn't want Violet to leave but after much convincing he finally let her go...

Logan's office was only a few blocks away, so it wasn't to far of a run. Violet knew how to get to his office because he had told her many times; plus they had walked past it a few times.

Violet made her way up the elevator to Logan's office where he sat at his desk.

"Violet?" He said as soon as he saw her, amazed that she was there.

"I have to speak to you." Violet said as he motioned for her to sit down and continue.
Violet averted her gaze from his loving eyes to a calendar on top of his desk. '11 September' Violet thought 'It's my birthday tomorrow'.

Just then there was a loud noise and it felt as if there was an earthquake happening in the building. The lights exploded and windows broke as Violet fell to the floor.

When Violet woke up she heard screaming. She opened her eyes and saw injured people around her.

Pain shot through Violet's body. She looked through a broken window and saw a blackbird. She realized it did mean letting go and being free. The next thing she knew she was running towards the window and then... she jumped...
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