Butterflies (6:15 p.m.)

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"Quit being stubborn we're only trying to help!" The 3 boys stood in a small room.
"Listen here Jacob! Women love guys that over dress"
"I thought I told you to never call me that!" J'coby said snapping at his friends.
"J'coby, she'll like it trust me" the shorter friend said fixing J'coby's tie.
J'coby stood looking at his friends "you guys are assholes you know that right"
In shock they both reply "We're only trying to help!"
"Fuck you guys" J'coby said grabbing a coat leaving the room.
"I don't think Bethany is having this problem" J'coby thought to himself. Walking around his house sitting on his couch turning on the T.v.
"Good Evening! I'm Charlie smith this is channel 7 news, our top stories is Daniel Harper the 17 year old boy who opened fire on a southern Baptist church. Got away scott free due to a problem in the judicial system. We here at channel 7 news have little details. But we do know they have I'm custody"
"Guys!" J'coby yelled to his friends
His friends race into the room.
"What is it?"
"You know that sicko that shot up that church?"
"Yeah what about him?"
"They couldn't try him"
"Wait why not?"
"Some judicial system shit or something"
"Well that means there's going to be a bunch of angry nig-"
"J'coby you better go" on of his friends interrupted.
"Oh yeah! Well I'll see you guys!"
"Good luck!"
"Thank you!"
"Use protection"
J'coby flipped them off as he left the house getting in his car. His mother pulled up.
"What are you all dressed up for?"
"Church" J'coby answered
"Aren't you an atheist?"
"It's with a girl mom!"
J'coby pulled away
"Be careful!" His mother yelled.
J'coby had been in a car crash 1 month prior. J'coby only had his license for a few months being 17 and lazy he barely got it. Before he would just sit in his room with his music loud. He had no intentions to drive or have a social life. J'coby cared about computer programming. J'coby would hack the T.v. providers to get himself free HBO, he was never a movie type of guy only liking the T.v. shows that would come on, Dexter,and such. But on occasion he would dip into his father's action movie collection. He would watch movies like The Terminator, Rambo, Die Hard, and Robocop. His father had been dead for 3 years now. Military man, J'coby's father was, he had taught him everything. To play catch, Sports, fishing, Man stuff. J'coby was never deeply into sports, he does participate in his school's lacrosse team. A stalky 234lbs he wasn't too big or to small but he could hold his own in the weight room. J'coby had gotten closer to Bethany's house. Still thinking looking at his hometown's sunset. The beautiful color of a light yellow and bright orange. He loved it taking a deep breath in, thinking about his father. He got caught up in the sky he almost ran a stop slamming on the breaks before he smashed into a black van.
"Jackass!" The black man in the van yelled at J'coby.
"Sorry dude" J'coby said waving at them.
He pulled into Bethany's driveway she was waiting on the porch. She walked to J'coby's vehicle. He got out really fast opening the door for her.
"You're a little over dressed" she told him getting in the vehicle. J'coby got into the vehicle looking at her. "Was I supposed to dress casual?" She nodded then laughed. He laughed "but it looks good right?"
She nods.
"It's really nice to see you" J'coby said
"Yeah me too" she replied.
He lifted his foot off the break they slowly roll forward pulling out onto the street on their way to the church.

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