Chapter 1

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Hello, my awesome readers. I know what some of you may be thinking: "Dani, why are you starting another story? You haven't finished the ones you already have!" A little variety never killed anyone.  Anyway, this story may seem kinda basic because stranded-on-a-deserted-island is a really over used story idea, although it can also be a very underrated story idea. So without any further ado, I hope you guys enjoy DOWN.


Chapter 1: Scott's POV

"Oh come on, you've told that story a million times. We all know you did not do that!" Clara said, laughing and giving August a punch on the arm from across the aisle.

August mocked disbelief. "Yes I did! You always say that. How many times do I have to tell you? I swear I'm not making this up!"

Clara rolled her eyes at him. "Can you believe him?" She said, turning to Haiti in the seat next to her.

^ (Hailee Steinfeld as Clara Poet) ^

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^ (Hailee Steinfeld as Clara Poet) ^

"Nah. There's no way August could pull something like that off. At the least, it didn't happen like-" Haiti yelped mid sentence as the plane hit some particularly rough turbulence. "I think I'm gonna hurl if that keeps happening. This plane is like a flying tin can."

I had to agree with her. We'd all been a little uneasy since we got on the plane. Flight 34B looked like it was from about 50 years ago and hadn't seen maintenance for almost as many years. "Flying tin can" was a pretty accurate way of describing it. I blame the plane for what happened next.

As the four of us in the back of the plane were laughing at Haiti's comment, the plane went abruptly silent as thunder roared outside all of a sudden- we'd flown into a storm. Now before I go any further, I know what you're thinking: why didn't the stupid pilot go around the storm? To be honest, I don't know. Sure, I probably would've asked him except I never got the chance. Not that it really mattered that much.

Dark, imposing grey clouds filled the windows outside between shocks of lightning. Red lights started flashing in the cabin and the pilot yelled for us to buckle our seatbelts. The plane swung madly to the right and started tipping downward into a nosedive. From across the aisle, I felt Clara grab my hand. All I could think was, we're gonna crash, we're gonna crash. I squeezed my eyes shut, alarms blaring all through the little plane. The dark, cloudy sky rushed by outside. Everything was happening so fast that my brain kept skipping parts, trying to keep up. Then there was a loud smack and I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. 

Everything was suddenly still, like we'd flown into the eye of the storm. Nobody moved. Nobody said anything. The only sound was distant thunder and... The crashing of waves. My ears popped in between a dull ringing. My senses felt like they'd been shaken around in a box then dumped randomly all over the place. I couldn't get anything into focus for what felt like an extremely long time. 

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