Chapter one

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I looked behind me as I ran. 'Good job fuck up, you really messed up this time!' I thought to myself. Damn it. I'm going to die. I'm going to get my throat ripped out in this fucking alley and nobody is even going to miss me! I shook those thought out of my head. 'Focus Clarity!' That's when i saw it. The small opening in the side of the alley. I ducked in there and held my breath as four sets of feet went by. I smirked to myself. "Fucking idiots." I whispered. I powered up my phone and smiled at my latest discover.
Staring back at me were the glowing red eyes of Andy Biersack as his fangs sank into an incant young girl...wait a minute. My eyes widened as i realized my mistake a minute to late. pale hands ripped me from my hiding spot. "Well hello little girl." Andy said with a smirk,. How the fuck did i forget that there were five members of BVB, not four! I swallowed. "Hello..."
Andy's fangs gleamed in the moon light. Blood dribbled down his chin. "I'm sorry my dear, but it seems you have got yourself into some serious trouble." "Please let me go..I promise i wont tell anyone!" I begged. "Oh, i know you wont tell anyone. Because you're not getting away. You're mine now."
I was surrounded by darkness. 'Where am I?' I woundered as I tried to remember what happened yesterday. Then it all came crashing back. I started to panic and struggled to move my hands. I heard the clanking of metal. Great..I was handcuffed to a fucking chair. I didn't even bother trying to move my feet. i could feel the ropes digging into my legs.
"HEY YOU FUCKERS! GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" I yelled and pulled harder on the chains. "COME ON YOU UNDEAD FUCKS!' Suddenly the door slammed open and CC stood in front of me glaring. "That kind of language should not be coming out of the mouth of a young lady." I spat at him. He looked at me disgusted as he stepped back and whipped my spit off his face.

The lights in the room where flicked on. I squeezed my eyes shut to try and help stop the stinging brought on by the change in lighting. When i reopened my eyes, instead of being greeted by CC's chocolatey drown eyes my purple eyes met fierce blue ones. "Hello." Andy said with a cruel smile. "Its so nice to see you're finally awake." I stayed quit. "Whats your name girl." Andy said it more like a command than a question.
"None of your damn business." I snarled. Andy smiled and ran a finger down the side of my face. "My, my. Such an attitude you have. I'm going to love breaking you." I looked at him confused. "Lets try this one more time. What is your name." "Fuck you." A loud smack echoed through the room. My head was forced to the side and my cheek stung. I hadn't even seen him raise his hand.
"What. Is. Your. Name." Andy's eyes were turning a purple color. I started at him in defiance.
Another slap to my face. This time it was harder and i cried out as his hand made contact with my face. "Your name." When i turned to look at Andy, this time his eyes were a bloody red.
"Clairty." My voice came out barley above a whisper. "What was that?" Andy sneered his face inches from mine. "Clarity." I repeated a little louder. "Good girl." Andy purred. I looked at him in disgust. "I'm not an animal." I snapped at him. He smirked. "Not a animal, just a salve." Then Andy left, turning off the light and plunging me back into darkness.

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