Chapter 1

71 6 0

>starting subroutine..

>metadata found

>metadata sent

>/closing subroutine

>starting decon stage alpha 0001-0045

>units 0001-0045 now beginning thaw cycle

>units 0001-0045 thaw cycle entering beta stage


>anomaly detected: unit 0029 entering REM cycle

>protocol 24G9 enacted

>medical drones en route

>medical drones arrived

>unit 0029 normalizing brainwaves

>error noted

>flagged for later analysis

>/decon stage alpha complete

>status query..

>units 0001-0045 entering REM cycle

>cryobay echo starting release cycle

>pressurizing cryobay echo

>oxygen levels normal

>units 0001-0045 now en route to medical suite echo

>/end status query

>starting subroutine..

>metadata found

>metadata sent

>/closing subroutine

>initiating standard activation protocol

>units 0001-0045 exiting REM cycle

>units 0001-0045 normalizing

>units 0013, 0019, 0029, 0030 showing elevated blood pressure

>flagged for later analysis

>units 0001-0045 awake

>starting genesis subroutine..

>genesis protocol active

Cold. That was my first thought, the first feeling my senses registered. Cold that seemed to flow out of my chest and into my limbs. Cold pressing against my back. Cold air flowing across my bare chest. Painful cold pumping through my veins.

I opened my eyes and instantly squeezed them shut again, regretting it: Blue-white light was pouring out of a fixture above me, burning my pupils and blinding me. I turned my head to the side, blinking my eyes rapidly as color spots swam across my vision. The room I was in slowly came into focus: it was mostly bare, stark white walls with a mirror set into the wall opposite me. Bright lights on the ceiling bathed everything in harsh, sterile illumination.

I sat up, wincing as the blood rushed to my feet, filling them with stabbing pains and leaving my head pounding. The cold was beginning to seep from my muscles, to be replaced by pins and needles in my limbs and torso. Looking around I realized I was sitting on what appeared to be a metal table or cot, set into the wall opposite the mirror at about waist height. The surface was shiny but not very reflective and was cold to the touch, despite having been in contact with my skin for an unknown amount of time. I looked around the room again, trying to pick new details out of the glaring lights. It appeared to be roughly three meters by two meters, with the cot and mirror against the three meter walls. The floor was bare except for a drain set into the center and a small metal table and chair bolted to the white concrete floor next to the mirror.

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