Chapter 1

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A/N: Okay so I'm writing a new story and this is it! Well I hope you're as excited as I am! I hope you like it!


Caitlin's POV

"Caitlin, get up right now! It's already 6 AM! You're gonna be late for school if you don't get up!" I heard my mother yell as she banged on my door.

I groaned as I opened my eyes and sat up.

I do not want to get up. At all.

I just sat there for a few minutes until I forced myselfto get up and get ready. I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I walked back to my room and picked out an outfit. I choose to wear my jeans with my favorite gray sweater and my black converses. I left my long, brown hair down. I did my make up, which consisted of some mascara (which accented my green eyes), foundation, and my favorite light pink lip gloss, and walked downstairs for some breakfast. I saw my mom and dad sitting at the table talking before she goes off to work. My brothe was still sleeping because he's still in elementary school and doesn't have to get up early yet. Lucky him.

"Hey Caitlin, glad to see you join us finally." my father said. I playfully glared at him as I took a granola bar and opened it.

"Well I have to meet up with Emma now, so if you don't mind I'll take my breakfast to go." I said.

"Alright. Bye, sweetheart." my mom said. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" I replied as I walked out the door. I closed the door behind me and went next door to pick Emma up. I knocked on the front door and waited for her to come.

Once the door opened I said, "Emma Lee, get out here!" I call her Emma Lee because we both love Caspar Lee on YouTube. A/N: If you watch Caspar you'd understand.

"I'm right here jeez no need to yell." she replied as I laughed and she walked out.

I started walking to school with my best friend, Emma Price, as usual. It was like a tradition. She lived right next door to each other so of course we are going to walk together. She wasn't saying anything as wewalked together. Usually she is so loud, bubbly, and peppy first thing in the morning and I'm the grumpy one who is like "Ughh it's too early for this" but not today

We continued walking in silence until I finally said something.

"Emma, why are you so quiet?" I asked. "Is something wrong?"

She looked up at me and said "I'm fine, nothing is wrong. I'm just tired that's all." she smiled at me and then went back to looking straight ahead with a blank expressionn her face.

"I know that isn't true. You are never tired. You are a morning person." I said. "Plus I can see right through your fake smile. So, seriously, what's wrong?"

She looked at me a deer caught in headlights but she was actually just a person caught in a lie. She just stared at me for a few seconds before finally sighing.

"Caitlin, I have to tell you something." she said

My eyebrows furrowed together. "Okay? You know you can tell me anything. We're best friends."

"I'm moving" she said.

Now it was my turn to be caught off guard. "Wait what? Why? Where? When?"

She sighed again as she looked at me. "I'm moving in three days to North Carolina. My dad was offered a job there and it is a really good one. He isn't going to pass the opportunity." she said. I saw tears well in her eyes as she told me.

"Oh no. What am I gonna do without my best friend?" I said as I felt tears in my own eyes.

"I don't know" she said. "Get a new best friend?"

"You know that isn't as easy as it sounds."


There was this sad silence as we continued walking until a thought dawned on me.

"Oh my gosh, what if the new neighbors are crazy serial killers and want to kill me?!?" I asked, with wide eyes.

She looked back at me and started laughing. "You seriously think serial killers would move in to this quiet, little town?"

"Well, yeah. Quiet, little towns can be like the Hunger Games for them. All-you-can-kill place." I said. "I'M GONNA DIE WITHOUT YOU HERE!!!" I yelled.

She looked at me like I was crazy and started laughing so hard. She wouldn't stop for over 2 minutes.

I glared at her as I said "Stop laughing it's always a possibility!"

When she finally stopped laughing, she said, "There will not be any serial killers in this town. Maybe there will be a cute boy there that you can stare at from your bedroom window."

"I would never stare at someone from my bedroom window. That's creepy." I said.

"I bet you would do that. Now, this cute boy will be the one you fall in love with and live happily ever after in a castle while you wear a tiara." she said

"Wait, so now he's prince?"


"If he is a prince, why would he live in a small town and not in his castle?" I asked.

"Well...umm....because....he likes small towns?" She said.

We looked at each otherthen started laughing hysterically. After a few minutes of laughing, I looked at the time on my phone and my eyes widened.

"Shoot,we need to get to school. Like now." I said.

Then we started running towards the school, hoping we won't be late again.


A/N: Well, Chapter 1 is DONE YAY! Well I hoped you liked it. Tell what you think. Thank youuuuu! <3

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