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@ColeIM5 you should come to my 16th birthday party June 16th! I live in New York though. But it would make not just my day, but my life if you came!💕

I Tweeted that to Cole, hoping he'll see it. I doubt he'd be able to come all that way. But he might see my Tweet because he follows me on Twitter. Although he's never Tweeted me or favourites any of my Tweets😑 Theres still a chance!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

**6 minutes later**

@VanessaPendery I would totally love to😱😍 Thanks for inviting me but is have to check with Jill! DM me the details and I'll get back to you!

😱😱😱RIP me!!!😵😲😷He replied😎

@ColeIM5 check your DMs babe😎

@VanessaPendery Got it! Thanks boo!💗

OMG I practically just had a conversation with him! Well, not that I haven't before because I've met him twice but still!!!! And he might come to my party!!!!! omgomgomgomgomgomfgomfgomfgomgomfgomgomgomgomgomfg
I love him so much... I hope he can come...😁😁😁

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