The Dark Void

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It's always been there, I've just never noticed it before. And now that I have I cant help but look.

I turn in the direction where it sits in the corner of my eye. Slowly I turn so I'm facing it directly.

I stare at it for what feels like forever, entranced my its darkness.

I can hear it. It's calling me. And I can't resist any longer. I taking small unsure steps to reach the blackness. I reach my hand out to it, feeling a coldness wrap around it.

Unthinkingly I walk into the abyss feeling the biting coldness latch onto me. I embrace it and walk further unaware of the creatures around me.

I look back the way I came, surprised to see the light fading. I turn around to try and walk back, but it's too late.

They stand there smirking, knowing they've trapped me. I look around desperate to escape their stares, but they've surrounded me and I have no where to go.

They get closer, tightening the circle around me as they begin to call me names and laugh at me.

They repeat a variety of things between "how ugly can you get?!", and "why are you so fat?!".

I crouch down and cover my ears trying to block out the horrible words as tears start to endlessly fall down my cheeks.

They begin to kick and beat me, leaving bruises as big as a softball. I cry out in pain as they continue to cut and bruise me.

Why would they do this? I haven't done anything wrong.

They continue on for what feels like an eternity until I can't take it anymore.

"PLEASE STOP!" I scream, hearing the words echo in the distance. One of them crouches down to look into my eyes. "Please.. Just stop" I whisper.

They all laugh at me as I struggle to breathe from the beating.

I look up and I'm taken back by what is before me. Its.. Me, multiples of myself, but that can't be possible.. There can only be one of me.... Right?

I look around the circle astounded as they all glare and smirk at me. I look back the one crouched beside me, "what do you want?" I whisper.

It smiles at me strangely and holds something out to me. I look down to see a small knife in the palm of its hand. I look back up confused.

"Kill yourself", it says with a straight face. I widened my eyes in shock. It's expression never faltered... It was serious.

I look down at the knife and hesitantly pick it up, holding the black handle tightly. I turn the blade to look at it more only to me blinded by a light. I blink hard and look up to find that the source of the light is behind the copy who gave me the knife.

I glance down at the knife then back up to the light.

I gasp in pain as I push myself off the ground so I'm standing. The copy stands up as well and moves back into the circle.

I steady myself, ready for what I'm about to do. Lifting the knife in front of me, taking a deep breathe I put my wrist in front of me as well.

I open my eyes and with a quick harsh movement I swipe the knife from left to right as I lunge forward. Without looking back I ran past the circle and to the light, ignoring the pain throughout my body and the angry yells coming from behind. I ran for what felt like miles before I finally reached it, and without stopping I ran straight into the light.

I blinked adjusting my eyes to the brightness.

I was home again, everything was just as I left it. I turned just in time to see the blackness disappear. I sighed in relief.. I was free.

I ran to my bathroom and quickly gathered all of the pills and threw them into the trash... I didn't need them anymore.

Sorry if it makes no sense. I just kinda.. Wrote. I hope you liked it anyways. :)

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