Chapter 1 - Starting my new life

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~Kylie's Pov~
"We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes... " My alarm clock starts singing. "7:30 am" it reads.

I get up and plug in my straightener. While it's heating up I brush my teeth, get dressed, and put on my clothes. As I'm running the straightener over my long hair my phone vibrates. I look over to see I've gotten a text from my best friend Anna.

Anna Bear 🐻
Hurry up! I'm outside.

She's my ride to and from school. I finish my last few parts and put on some mascara and concealer. I walk downstairs and grab a granola bar. I walk outside and get inside her car. "Took you long enough" she says to me. "Don't rush beauty" I sass back at her, laughing.

We pull up to our school, James Moore High. We get out of the car and go to our separate ways. I got to my locker and grabbed out my books for my first period class, math. I walk to class and meet up with Anna inside the classroom.

•Time Skip because school sucks•

I walked into my bedroom. I started working on homework until my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Hi! Is this Kylie Wilk?" The person on the other phone asked. "This is her". "I'm here to tell you that you've been added into a group called Magcon". I almost dropped my phone. "Really?" I asked.
"Yup! I will email you the information on the flights and dates"
"Ok. Thank you so much!"
"You're welcome. Goodbye!". "Bye!"

After I hung up I screamed and started jumping around the room. "I'm going on tour! I'm going on tour!" I decided to call Anna. "Wassup?" She asked. "GUESS WHAT?" I screamed into the phone.
"When do you leave?"
"Do you need help packing?"
"I'll be over in a few"
"Kk" I hang up the phone

•Time Skip again ✌🏼️•

After 3 hours of packing I throw myself onto my bed. Anna left a few minutes ago. Her mother needed her. I go onto vine and make a quick video saying I'm going to magcon. I got a comment.

Shawn mendes: can't wait to see you there! :)

Shawn mendes is in magcon? My day just keeps getting better and better. I close my laptop and drift off to sleep.

I wake up at 6 am to get dressed and prepared for my flight to California. I grab my suitcase and backpack. I walk into the kitchen and grab a protein bar. "Bye Sammy" I tell my brother. "Bye Kylie" he says back. I hug him tightly before walking outside into Anna's car.

As we arrived at the airport Anna started to cry. "I'm going to miss you" she said trying to contain herself. "I know. I will talk to you everyday." We hug for the longest time until I finally had to go. I walked away into security. After going through security I boarded my plane.

Here's the first chapter! I'm sorry it's short. I hope you enjoy. If you do comment and vote on the book!
- Aubri ✌🏼️

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