He didn't want to ruin his friends life, but he was like this for a reason, so why not do something...
An AnIMaTrOniC EntERs. I DoN'T REConize HIm bUT he Is SO BiG thAT hE SCraPeS ThE CeiLING As HE waLKs.
He PiCks uP A neWSpaPER oFF Of thE FLooR anD duSts IT ofF.
He REaDs It, AnD i AlREAdy KnOw WhAT it SAys.
We ArE ClOSIng.
HOweVEr I THink hIS eyESIGhT is BaD, He ThROWs doWN tHe paPER wiTH InsANE FOrCe.
He LOOkS aT Me And I SHUt mY eyEs tiGHt, PreTENdiNG tO BE DeACtiVatED.
He PiCKS mE up ANd PutS mE iNTO A BoX. I HeaR BanGInG anD I ThiNk hE is TaKINg mY FrIEnDS.
I FeeL mYsELF bEinG liFTEd AgAIn.
He WaLKs ArOuND tO WhAT I thInK is tHE BacK OF ThE PizZErIa.
hE dUMPs ME oUT anD I SeE MoOnLIgHt fOR tHE FirST tIMe. ItS BeaUTifUl.
HiS haNDS stARt TO GLoW VioLEt, aND I FeeL tHE lIghT enCAsiNG ME.
I lOOK to SeE MY frIEnDs iN SIMilar SItuAtIOns.
ToY BoNNIe iS jUsT stUNNed. TOy frEddY IS LooKiNG mAD.
tOY CHicA loOks ReALly ScARed.The lights drop me and I suddenly feel different. I can touch the grass, I can smell, I feel real fur on my cheeks...
The feeling is awesome.
I look around me for endo because he hasn't said a word and I realize I am very fuzzy, and also unable to get up on two legs.
Suddenly beside me appears a grey fox, or maybe a wolf.
One of his eyes is swollen shut and the other was a sunshine yellow.
He looks at me. "Mangle?"
I size him up. He is small.
He nods and I feel the instinct to lick him in relief. I do and he smiled.
It was at this point that I realize I should find my friends.
I could see Toy Freddy, a light brown bear with blue eyes.
"TB? TC?" I ask.
The dark nightmarish animatronic turns to face me and there is silence. Even the crickets stop.
He sizes me up and I size him up. He seems taller.
I see Marionette and BB off in the distance, but they don't quite look right. They come closer and I see now that they are human.
"TB?" I tried again, and Toy Freddy gets up with a groan.
I hear a tiny sigh and quite mutter, then I hear, "DOWN HERE!"
I look at my paws to see a tiny blue rabbit and a chick with a weird hairdo.
"Oh, sorry guys." I murmur.
"That's fine!" TC chirps.
The Nightmare animatronic disappears and BB and Marionette walk off, talking, exploring and pretending to be normal.
"I don't think there's any chance we'll be performing again," comments Endo, "so I think we should try and build a shelter."
Everyone agrees with Endo's idea and we start.
So from Nightmare's point of view, He doesn't know that the diner belongs to new owners or that the new restaurant was closing anyway, he thought it still belonged to his old bud Michael but Michael had passed away...
So he thought he was ruining Michael's business.He also doesn't know about the murders at the restaurant or anything.
That's kinda his POV, just so that you know.
~KittygirlMikito 🌈
Wild Animatronics
HorrorA story where magic happens. A story of Five Nights at Freddy's. A story written by the person who is writing this.