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"Ah yeah sure!" I said, I was curious about what we're gonna talk about, however I just have to be patient for few minutes more to know.

"Let's have a walk out ..." she said leading me out of the house I followed her, she pushed some of her blonde locks back tugging them behind her ear, the weather was great and the wind blew as we stepped out of the house, I inhaled the fresh air, it was a quiet place where they live.

We both remained silent leaving a space for an awkward silence to take a place for a few moments until Ella's lips started to move.

"So umm you see how Pattie likes you and how I like you too ... you know, Robin told me so much about you he also told me about what kind of job that Justin in, and how Justin ummm well kinda held it back with a lot of bad things he used to do since he met you ... which is really good" she said while we were walking along with the road, she kept playing with the end of her hair I think it's a move she used to do, a lot. I was just listening to her I felt that there is something beyond what she says, it can't be only her stating a facts they see or we all know, I was impressed that I knew that I affect on Justin in any kind of way, because after all he doesn't seem like the guy that changes for someone, he only changes for his mind desires, only. I felt like there is something she wants to say.

"Look ahh umm well to get it directly, I'm afraid that you'd walk away and leave Justin ... I just want you to stick with him he's a really nice guy he may be overprotective and overreacting but that's because of reasons, well and I brought you here now because I think you're the girl I want her to know about Justin's past" she said I was shocked by her first words, why would she thinks that I'd leave Justin's side? Why is everyone thinks that? Even Justin thinks that.

"I'm honored actually and yeah I hoped to get some answers" I said trying to forget about her worries and to focus more on the facts I want to hear, finally one of the things I've been dying to know is being revealed, Justin's past.

"Well Justin's father wasn't that kind of responsible man, he left once Robin was born, he left Pattie and Justin all alone with totally nothing. His only excuse was that he's bored of how he lives and he went to where god only knows. Justin saw how his parents always had a fight, how his mom was suffering. He had to be responsible of his little brother that was screaming and crying everywhere, his mum struggled but then she cracked she just couldn't do it anymore her illness got over her and then Justin in such an early age, he was responsible of a family, and that's when he built his personality overprotective because he knew how bad people can be and his father was the closest example, oversensitive because he saw how his mom suffered, he always take the responsibility of everything wether it's small or big because he saw his father that was not related to the meaning of responsibility in any kind of way. Justin got knocked down many times that can't be count, but his family suffers was the thing to keep him standing. He moved to another city to work with someone I can't really remember his name I don't know what he works as, but I knew after that from Robin that it's not a good thing. Robin, was always afraid that his mom would have like a heart attack if she knew that Justin is doing such things so he avoided telling her anything."

I was shocked and affected by the kind of life Justin was living and the kind of pressure that is on him, he was only a child when he was forced to be an adult, I don't care what kind of things any parents can go through but I believe that everyone has to live his life normally as a kid, what kind of dad that would prevent a kid from having his childhood and normal life just because he wants to have his own?

" so pretty much Justin owned feeling only for his family, his mom his brother and me he lost his emotions he lost his heart and he lost anything that relates to happiness in early age, he became reckless and careless about himself ... life couldn't do more for a little boy who was left by his father, almost lost his mom when she became sick, was responsible of a child and lastly didn't know the way to the meaning of security, warmth, happiness and love ... I'm only telling you this today because I don't want you to leave him thinking he's a bad guy just because he wants, I know that nothing allows someone to do bad things, but I want you to know that he's been through a lot, what could you ask from a guy who lived his childhood broken and spending every night of his life breaking down and sobbing? I can't promise you that he will be the best but I can give you a word that he'll never be a player or a heartbreaker because he saw how his mom suffered. Also I feel like he's improving I can tell that he became more related to people since he met you, I saw the look on his face when he looked at you it made me feel so happy because it showed me how happy and and relaxed he was, it also mad me a little bit jealous but I think it worth it!"

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