Sickly Thoughts

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A sudden chill fills the room once again as a nightmare attempts creeps upon me.  I feel myself become drowsy, but I fight it to the best of my ability.

"Sleep." A soft feminine voice urges. Tears lurk down my cheek as I let out a quiet sob. Soon my vision starts to fade and blur, which causes me to get dizzy. I try to focus on the teacher scribbling on the white board, but soon it turns to a waterfall of blood.

  I watch how it oozes from the roof and flows to the ground, thus slowly filling the room. The new room reminds me of a horror film I watched once, but this was real.

"Welcome back." A menacing voice greets. It's the same voice as earlier, but deeper and scratchy. I look around for the source and I find a woman who looks to be in her early twenties. She's incredibly tall, maybe seven feet, and she looks as if she hasn't eaten in months. Her arched feet are dirty and cracked. Her legs look as if they will give out at any moment. Bones nearly pop out of her arms and her long, thin fingers are broken. This woman's hair is almost none existed and smells like burning flesh. She opens her thin chapped lips to reveal rotten, gray, fangs. I almost vomit at the sight. "Help us." She croaks.

An ear piercing scream zips through the air. My head snaps up from the desk and searches for the source. Everyone's eyes gaze at me; sending strange looks. Shit, I fell asleep again.

"Miss Job I'll be seeing you after class for sleeping." Mr. Jones glares at me before he continued teaching. I let out a silent grunt while blushing. Mr. Jones wasn't known to have a good reputation with the female students. Often others would claim that he would look a little bit lower than he should. Some say that he'll try to rub your leg and would request that you come to his room two hours before school starts for 'detention'. Now I have to meet the creep after class. Wonderful.

After fifteen minutes of doodling; the bell decides to finally ring. I try to blend in with the other students and sneak out, but of course I fail.

"Miss Jobs, stay after class please." Mr. Jones says without looking from his computer. A few students snicker behind their hands. I quickly send them a threatening glare and they instantly stop.

Once all the students leave Mr. Jones decides to speak, "Why don't you take a seat Elizybeth?" He offers. I shrug and sit in front of his desk. "You seem to have been.... distracted lately. Is everything alright at home?"

I glare at him in response, "That's none of your business." I spit with anger in my voice. He seems taken aback. Before he says anything else I storm out and run towards gym. Everyone was already dressed out when I arrive.

"Elizy!" Coach Wellstern barks.

"Yes coach?" I question in a pissed off tone.

"Where the hell have you been?" She growls. I smirk to myself. This is why gym is my favorite period. Coach Wellstern isn't afraid to be herself in front of her students. "Never mind just get your ass dressed and when you get back, I want you to do fifty pushups and fifty one sit ups. Actually for giving me attitude I want seventy of each!" She yells before blowing her whistle.

I nod and jog over to the locker room. That's going to be easy since I've been taking archery since sixth grade. As I open the door a figure pops out, causing me to jump. "Izy!" Beth, my best friend, squeals. "How was being in the same room as the perv for ten minutes? Did he touch you?" She seems actually interested to know, which scares me a little.

I roll my eyes and swat her arm. "No he didn't try anything, but he did ask me if anything was going on at home." I grumble.

"Did you tell him?"

"Tell him what? That I haven't gotten any real sleep for the past seven months because I keep having nightmares? That's none of his damn business." I snap at her, which causes her to glare at me. "Sorry." I sigh. I've known Bethany since seventh grade and it was impossible for me to stay mad at her. The room stays silent for a while and I take that time to observe her. Her redish brown hair is tied into a ponytail. The gym clothes she wore is about two sizes too big. It's understandable of course, Bethany is extremely skinny, but not to the point of where she looked as if she was starving herself.

"I should get dressed before coach gets livid." I say while walking to my locker. She nods a quick 'ok' before prancing out of the locker room. I shake my head at her enthusiasm before getting changed. After I finish getting dressed, I walk over to the full length mirror right next to the sink.

My rough orange dyed wavy hair clashes with my pink sketchers, the grey uniform makes me look even more muscular than I already look, and my green eyes make me look weird. I sigh in disappointment; I just had to be born with bright green eyes, the most noticeable eye color in the world. I set my gaze over to the clock right above Beth's locker and noticed that I been in here for fifteen minutes; coach is going to kill me.

As I head over to the door, my vision starts to get fuzzy, which makes me dizzy. I have to grab the wall to semi support myself. Soon my head starts to pound and I fall to the ground. The pain of my head mixes with the pain of the fall and it becomes so unbearable that I heard myself shriek in pain. I hear a stampede of feet hurdle their way towards me. Gasp and gossip fly around the area and I can practically hear Bethany glaring at our classmates.

"Look she fell again."

"Is she having another panic attack?"

"I think she's faking it."

"Omg omg omg!"

The pain escalates and I cover my head with my arms in attempt to make it stop. I'm use to migraines, but they've never been this bad. I'm at the point where I'm fighting for consciousness. Sleep is not an option. Especially at school, people already think I'm weird enough without my panic attacks. I'm not going to put icing on the cake. 

I feel my self being cradled like a newly wedded bride or a baby. I would normally complain, but I'm currently not in a state to do so. Heat surrounds my body, as if I'm near fire. Fear takes over as realization kicks in. I know that I'm slowly drifting back into that horrid place, but it doesn't mean I have to let it happen. I can't go there now especially during the day, not when everyone's watching.

 I slowly open my eyes and scream at the sight in front of me. A group of people, who vaguely look like my gym class, are shredded up into and cut up. Some have been decapitated. The walls gush out tons of blood and fear slithers up my spine like a poisonous snake.

At this moment I could only process one word: Shit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2014 ⏰

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