Chapter 1: Covert Op

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It's not like I particularly like looking at myself, but I can't help but gaze at my reflection in the windows that separate the high-end club that I'm currently in from the outside city of New York.  Then again, this dress is just too perfect, it would probably look good on anyone. Syndicate sure as hell knows how to let us blend in. I step back behind the bar, narrowly avoiding the unconscious bartender I knocked out some five minutes ago. 'Excuse me.' I murmur while I step over his body, after all, my mom raised me well.  I search the wall for the electricity box and pull my phone out when I do. Snapping a picture of it, I send it to Ray. 'So, what am I looking at? Just cut and go, or is this going to involve some of that physics junk from high school I never paid attention to?' I laugh. I have always hated that subject, that's Tyler's area of expertise. 'Not so much sweetheart, just cut that black wire when Tyler sets off the explosives in the theater. ' Having headquarters in my right ear has quite possibly saved my life more than a few times, but this operation is nothing big. Go in, acquire the target, take him, and go. That's all pretty easy if you have been trained to do just that ever since you learned how to walk. I look around some more and decide it's time to call Ty. This is taking way too long, and I'm getting bored. 'So, you need some help setting off that bomb or what?' My tone is just as sarcastic as ever, but he knows I mean no harm. That is, except when I do of course. We have been partners for around 6 years, but have known each other forever. We practically grew up together, went to the same schools, and ended up working for the same organization, which, if you consider that my parents run it, isn't all that weird. 'No princess, I got this all handled. I know you are the bomb expert here, but I think I'll manage just fine.' One of the things I like most about Tyler is that we share the same sense of sarcasm because we both understand that there is nothing more annoying than having to overexplain your comment or joke. 'So are you actually going to set it off or are you going to keep me waiting?' I laugh. 'Can't I just stab him?' 'No Tyler, you can't. Pentagon wants him alive, remember?' 'C'mon, he won't be dead, just stabbed.'  'Ty, will you just get it done please?' I plea. If we want a shot at this succeeding, we have to move now. 'Sure M'lady, I'm on my way. Prepare, herd incoming.' Right on cue, a blast resonates through the building and people start screaming and running. As soon as I spot the corrupt politician we are hunting I cut the wire. All electricity is cut immediately and the room goes completely dark. I see Tyler's broad shoulders move into the room and start towards our target. A  brachial stun to his neck is enough to knock him out entirely, and Tyler slings him across his shoulder as we move to the staircase that leads us into the garage underneath the club, containing our getaway car. Knowing we'll have to take a few flights of stairs until we end up at our car, I pull off my heels in advance. Sure, they make my legs look great, but they're a bitch to walk in, and drawing a sprint in them would be near impossible. I can do a lot of things, but running down 5 sets of stairs in 7-inch heels? No thank you.

We quickly move downstairs and I can feel Tyler staring at me as soon as we hit the garage floor. 'Ty, we've known each other for ages, what are you staring at?' I snark over my shoulder, mentioning him to move faster. 'Just wondering where you hide your gun, that dress is so tight. You are carrying right?' Before I can properly answer his question, gunshots ring through the hollow garage. I pull the slit back a little more and pull my Sig Sauer out of its holster. I locate two of what I can only assume are his henchmen and fire at them. I hit the first one square in the chest, and Tyler gets the other one with two shots in each shoulder. 'There is no way-' Before I can actually finish my sentence, I feel something gripping my arms. I try to wrestle my way out but fail. 'Didn't your mother teach you it's impolite to touch a lady without her consent?' Tyler barks out before I duck down and Tyler kicks his feet out from beneath him and shoots him in the chest twice. I quickly pop the rover's trunk so Tyler can drop the unconscious politician in the car, and we can head out of the building and get back to Syndicate HQ. He closes the back of the car and opens the passenger's door for me to get in, like the gentleman he is. 'Fine, but next time, I drive.' I tell him. 'Sure princess.' He answers me as he walks around the SUV and hops on the driver's side. Ty telling me 'There is no way we aren't getting followed, time to gun it.' is the only warning I get before Tyler floors it and we drive out of the building. Once we are on the road we seem to be clear, but like Tyler said, there's no way those three men are the only resistance we get for taking such a high-level target. I glare in the rearview mirror and spot a black van without its lights on. 'You might be right, we have a tail. Got an idea?' I tilt my head his way and mention behind me. Tyler glares in the mirror and hums in agreement. 'I thought as much. Luckily for you, I brought your favorite.' I smile and push a button on the dashboard. 'You know me so well.' I hear a loud popping sound from behind us, as the crow's feet puncture the tires of the van and it stops abruptly. 'Thatta girl.' He smiles. Our target is still out cold, and I turn the radio up. 'Nothing like saving the world on a friday night to make a girl feel alive.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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